- Celts and Germans in the Rhineland -
37 Rolf Nierhaus, Das swebische Graberfeld von Diersheim: Studien zur Geschichte der
Germanen am Oberrhein vom Gallischen Krieg his zur Alamannischen Landnahme
(Romisch-Germanische Forschungen 28) (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1966), with review by C.M.
Wells, Journal of Roman Studies 59 (19 6 9): 30 3-5.
38 agros vacuos et usui militum sepositos (Tacitus, Annals X1.19, XIII.54); Frisian coast (Annals
39 Compare the Numidian frontier, for instance, from which survives the list of customs
duties on the Zara! inscription (CIL 8.4508, d. 18643): C.M. Wells, 'The problems of
desert frontiers', in Valerie A. Maxfield and Michael J. Dobson (eds), Roman Frontier
Studies 1989: Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies
(Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1990),478-81.
40 Hans Jiirgen Eggers, Der romische Import im freien Germanien (Atlas der Urgeschichte
I) (Hamburg: Hamburgisches Museum fiir Volkerkunde und Vorgeschichte, 195 I).
41 Similar changes occurred along the St. Lawrence between the visits of Cartier in 1534 and
Champlain early in the seventeenth century; see C.M. Wells, 'The ethnography of the
Celts and of the Algonkian-lroquoian tribes: a comparison of two historical traditions', in
J.A.S. Evans (ed.), Polis and Imperium: studies in honour of Edward Togo Salmon
(Toronto: Hakkert, 1974),265-78.
42 Von Uslar Studien, 1-5; d. Nierhaus, Das swebische Graberfeld, 224-30.
43 consilium coercendi intra terminos imperii (Tacitus, Annals I. II).
44 magna ex parte domitorem Germaniae (Velleius 11.97); for a more complete narrative of
these events, with full references, see Wells, German Policy of Augustus, 93-5, 154-6.
45 Wells, German Policy of Augustus, 156-61,237-45; the site of the Varian Disaster has now
been identified north of Osnabriick, after generations of fruitless controversy: see
Wolfgang Schliiter et aI., 'Archaologische Zeugnisse zur Varusschlacht? Die
Untersuchungen in der Kalkrieser-Niewedder Senke bei Osnabriick', Germania 70 (1992):
30 7-4^02.
46 On this and other aspects of trade and economic life, see Edith Mary Wightman, Gallia
Belgica (London: Batsford, 1985), chapter 6.
47 Cf. Ramsay MacMullen, 'Rural romanization', Phoenix 22 (1968): 337-41; C.M. Wells,
'The impact of the Augustan campaigns on Germany', in Assimilation et resistance a la cul-
ture greco-romaine dans Ie monde ancien: travaux du VIe Congres international d'Etudes
classiques (Madrid, September 1974) (Bucharest: Editura Academiei, and Paris: Les Belles
Lettres, 1976), 421-3 I.
48 Tacitus, Histories IV.22.
49 Wightman, Gallia Belgica, chapter 4.
50 The only druid that we know by name, Diviciacus, the pro-Roman Aeduan, was from a
leading family and deeply involved in tribal politics: Caesar, Gallic War, 1.3, 1.16-20, etc.
51 Suetonius, Claudius xxv·5·
52 The phrase interpretatio Romana is from Tacitus, Germania XLII.4, and the quotations
from Miranda Green, The Gods of the Celts (Gloucester and Totowa, N.J.: Alan Sutton,
1986 ), 36.
53 Wightman, Roman Trier 208-27.
54 Aus rheinischer Kunst und Kultur: Auswahlkatalog des Rheinischen Landesmuseums Bonn
1963 (Diisseldorf: Rheinland-Verlag, 1963), 56-7, with bibliography, illustrated plate 17.
55 Green, Gods of the Celts, 78-85. For the language of the epithets, on the one hand, Ernest
Babelon, Le Rhin dans l'histoire: l'antiquite, Gaulois et Germains (Paris: Leroux, 1916),
347-8, patriotically prejudiced (note the date of publication), with a long list of topo-
graphical epithets and the rather optimistic comment, 'Tous ces noms barbares de sanctu-
aires locaux ne sauraient s'expliquer par les langues germaniques. Ils paraissent bien