- The Celtic Britons under Rome -
Quintus Veranius was sent to deal with the Welsh Celts and concentrated on the
Silures, but it was his successor, Suetonius Paullinus, who eliminated the real source
of anti-Roman activity, the druids and their sanctuary on Anglesey. But as soon as
they realized they were the target, they attempted to divert the governor's intention
by organizing a great revolt by the anti-Roman tribes, using Queen Boudica as the
figurehead Paullinus was not to be diverted and ordered Legio XX, stationed on the
Nene near Longthorpe, to deal with the problem before it got out of hand. The
legion was ambushed and annihilated. The Britons then destroyed the much-hated
colonia at Camulodunum, the depot and administration centre of Londinium and the
British pro-Roman city of Verulamium. Drunk with success, they pushed up Watling
Street to finish off the army of Paullinus. But the Roman legionaries showed their
mettle and, although overwhelmed in number, hacked the British horde to pieces,
and Paullinus, full of vengeance, swept through the lands of the hostile tribes
destroying everything in sight. He had to be recalled before the damage was too great
for recovery. This scarifying experience left deep wounds on the Britons and it was
to be several generations before the province recovered, eventually to become a
peaceful and prosperous member of the empire.