A History Shared and Divided. East and West Germany Since the 1970s

(Rick Simeone) #1


in Berlin. She has widely published on the history of divided Germany
and German sports history. She directed a research project on the history
of the East German national team and she is currently working on a proj-
ect on East German health policy in the Cold War. Her most recent book
is Im Riss zweier Epochen: Potsdam in den 1980er und 1990er Jahren.


  1. “Schäuble will Erfolg des DDR-Sports retten,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zei-
    tung, 22 March 1990.

  2. “Hauptausschuss des DSB diskutiert Einigungsprozess,” Frankfurter Rund-
    schau, 25 June 1990.

  3. Hans Joachim Teichler, “Sportentwicklung in Ostdeutschland nach der
    Wende,” Horch und Guck 14 (2005): 40–43.

  4. Jutta Braun and René Wiese, “DDR-Fußball und gesamtdeutsche Identität
    im Kalten Krieg,” Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung 30
    (2005): 191–210.

  5. Jenifer Parks, “Verbal Gymnastics: Sports, Bureaucracy and the Soviet Union’s
    Entrance into the Olympic Games, 1946–1952,” in East Plays West: Sport and
    the Cold War, ed. Stephen Wagg and David L. Andrews (New York, 2007),
    27–44; Mike O’Mahony, Sport in the USSR: Physical Culture—Visual Culture
    (London, 2006), 151ff.

  6. Allen Guttmann, The Olympics: A History of the Modern Games (Illinois,
    2002); Arnd Krüger, Sport und Politik. Von Turnvater Jahn zum Staatsamateur
    (Hannover, 1975).

  7. Research so far has mainly focused on the period until 1972. See Uta Andrea
    Balbier, Kalter Krieg auf der Aschenbahn. Der deutsch-deutsche Sport 1950–
    1972 (Paderborn, 2006); Tobias Blasius, Olympische Bewegung, Kalter Krieg
    und Deutschlandpolitik 1949–1972 (Frankfurt a. M., 2001).

  8. Peter Danckert and Holger Schück, Kraftmaschine Parlament. Der Sportaus-
    schuss und die Sportpolitik des Bundes (Aachen, 2009).

  9. “Züchten wir Monstren?,” Die Zeit, 5 December 1969; “Der Sport geht über
    den Rubikon,” Süddeutsche Zeitung, 26/27 February 1977. Brigitte Beren-
    donk was the East German Vierkampf champion in 1958, the West German
    junior pentathlon champion in 1959, and the German discus champion in
    1971; she participated in the 1968 and 1972 Olympics on the West German

  10. See Giselher Spitzer, Sieg um jeden Preis. Doping in Deutschland: Geschichte,
    Recht, Ethik 1972–1990 (Göttingen, 2013), 50f.

  11. This also included doping research conducted by the Federal Institute for
    Sport Sciences. See Erik Eggers and Giselher Spitzer, “Das BISp-Forschungs-
    projekt ‘Regeneration und Testosteron’ 1985–1993,” in Sieg um jeden Preis.

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