A History Shared and Divided. East and West Germany Since the 1970s

(Rick Simeone) #1


  1. The GDR media deliberately turned a blind eye to the boycott of the Games
    in Los Angeles. Lists of the Olympic medal winners stopped after the Games
    in Moscow in 1980; see “Von Boykott keine Rede,” Sonntag Aktuell, 2 June

  2. This can be gleaned from a report of the NOC Secretary and IM “Victor”
    Wolfgang Gitter. Treff bericht [Meeting report], 15 October 1983, Archiv des
    Bundesbeauftragten für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der
    ehemaligen DDR (BStU), MfS-HA XX 69254/92.

  3. As expressed by the Neue Forum Leipzig/Arbeitsgruppe Sport, Zur Ethik und
    Moral des Sports, 4 December 1989, printed in Giselher Spitzer, Hans Joa-
    chim Teichler, and Klaus Reinartz, eds., Schlüsseldokumente im DDR-Sport.
    Ein sporthistorischer Überblick in Originalquellen (Aachen, 1998), 328–31.

  4. Cf. DFB, controversy around the European championship in 1988, BAK 136/

  5. “Fußball-Notopfer,” Bonner Rundschau, 20 February 1985.

  6. “Zimmermann kritisiert DFB,” Süddeutsche Zeitung, 21 February 1985.

  7. “Die WM 74 und Berlin: FIFA musste Statuten ändern,” Stuttgarter Zeitung,
    13 March 1985.

  8. Telex from Dr. Zimmermann to Präsident DFB, Neuberger, 27 February
    1985, BAK B 136/24413.

  9. AA, Witte, 26 February 1985, encoded Plurez to Paris, Den Haag, Rome,
    Lisbon, Reykjavik, Edinburgh, Vienna, Bern, London, BAK 136/29699.

  10. Notes by Gieseler, 14 March 1985, on the session of the Sports Commit-
    tee of the German Bundestag on the European Soccer Championships 1988
    with special attention to the position of the DSB on 13 March 1985 in Bonn,
    Bundeshaus, BAK 136/24413.

  11. Jutta Braun, “Inselstadt im Abseits?” in Sportstadt Berlin im Kalten Krieg.
    Prestigekämpfe und Systemwettstreit, ed. Jutta Braun and Hans Joachim
    Teichler (Berlin, 2006), 150–83

  12. Guttmann, Olympics, 160ff .; “Unglaublich missbraucht. Kaltblütig miss-
    braucht,” Der Spiegel, 8 August 1983.

  13. The other two-thirds went to the solidarity funds of the National Olympic
    Committees and the international associations.

  14. As put by the general secretary of the NOC Wolfgang Gitter. IM Victor. Meet-
    ing Report, 28 October 1986, BStU, MfS-HA XX 69254/92.

  15. Meeting Report, 29 November 1986, BStU, MfS-HA XX 69254/92.

  16. IM “Victor.” Report on a Trip of the NOC Delegation to the 50th Bobsled
    World Championships in 1986 in Berchtesgaden/FRG, 25 February 1986,
    BStU, MfS-HA XX 69254/92.

  17. Niederschrift der ZAIG 2 über die wesentlichsten Inhalte eines Gespräches
    des Genossen Minister mit dem Präsidenten des DTSB, Genossen Ewald,
    und dem Leiter der Abteilung Sport, Genossen Hellmann [Transcript of ZAIG
    2 on the essential contents of a conversation of the comrade minister with the
    president of the DTSB, Comrade Ewald, and the head of the Sports Depart-

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