A History Shared and Divided. East and West Germany Since the 1970s

(Rick Simeone) #1


velopments in East Germany in the 1990s foreshadowed trends that soon
emerged even more strongly in the West. Nonetheless, media use is still
very much divided along the lines of the old Wall between East and West.

Frank Bösch is professor of European history at the University of Pots-
dam and Director of the Center for Contemporary History in Potsdam. He
is the author of several books on modern German and European history,
including Die Adenauer-CDU (2001), Das konservative Milieu (2002), and
Öffentliche Geheimnisse (2009). His most recent book is Mass Media and
Historical Change: Germany in International Perspective, 1400–2000 (Ber-
ghahn Books, 2015).

Christoph Classen is a senior research associate at the Centre for Con-
temporary History (ZZF) in Potsdam. His research interests are focused
on contemporary and media history, and his most recent publication is
“History of Private and Commercial Television in Europe,” in VIEW Jour-
nal of European Television History and Culture 6, no. 11 (ed., with Luca
Barra and Sonja De Leeuw, 2017).


  1. Kurt R. Hesse, Westmedien in der DDR. Nutzung, Image und Auswirkungen
    bundesrepublikanischen Hörfunks und Fernsehens (Cologne, 1988), 9.

  2. Axel Schildt, “Zwei Staaten—eine Hörfunk- und Fernsehnation. Überlegun-
    gen zur Bedeutung der elektronischen Massenmedien in der Geschichte der
    Kommunikation zwischen der Bundesrepublik und der DDR,” in Doppelte
    Zeitgeschichte. Deutsch-deutsche Beziehungen 1945–1990, ed. Arnd Bauer-
    kämper, Martin Sabrow, and Bernd Stöver (Bonn, 1998), 58–71.

  3. Christoph Classen, “‘Um die Empfangsmöglichkeiten... des Senders RIAS
    völlig auszuschalten.’ Störsender in der DDR 1952 bis 1988,” Rundfunk und
    Geschichte 40, no. 3–4 (2014): 25–40.

  4. Michael Meyen, Denver Clan und Neues Deutschland. Mediennutzung in der
    DDR (Berlin, 2003), 42; this comparative data up to 1975 was taken from
    Elizabeth Prommer, Kinobesuch im Lebenslauf. Eine historische und medien-
    biographische Studie (Konstanz, 1999), 350–51.

  5. Gunter Holzweißig, Die schärfste Waff e der Partei. Eine Mediengeschichte der
    DDR (Cologne, 2002). In a similar vein, see the sections on the GDR in Heinz
    Pürer and Johannes Raabe, eds., Presse in Deutschland, 3rd ed. (Konstanz,
    2007), 173–211. For an approach that diff ers from that of Holzweißig, but
    nonetheless emphasizes the tight control of the media, see Anke Fiedler,
    Medienlenkung in der DDR (Cologne, 2014).

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