A History Shared and Divided. East and West Germany Since the 1970s

(Rick Simeone) #1


right-wing extremism, 78–79,
462, 473–74, 507, 559. See also
right-wing populism, 25, 81, 356,
473, 559
Rosendahl, Heide, 3

Samaranch, Antonio, 510–11
Schabowski, Günter, 469
Schäuble, Wolfgang, 501, 503, 520,
Schelsky, Helmut, 198
Schily, Otto, 75, 170
Schmidt, Helmut, 47, 56, 68, 158,
Schmidt, Rainer, 373
Schnitzler, Karl Eduard von, 517, 568
Schubert, Bernd, 527
scientifi cation (Verwissenschaftlichung),
15, 357, 397, 408–414
SED (Socialist Unity Party of
Germany), 6, 9–10, 14, 16–17, 19–
21, 27, 47–48, 51, 54–55, 58–64,
66, 68–69, 72–75, 78, 79–80, 103–
106, 111, 114, 116, 125, 128, 157,
159, 164, 196, 200–03, 206–09,
212, 213–14, 240–46, 251, 253–54,
257–61, 272, 297, 306, 309, 311,
350, 362, 365, 377–79, 395, 400,
404, 408–09, 411–13, 416, 454,
456, 469, 471, 506–07
Central Committee (ZK,
Zentralkommittee), 156–57,
356, 399, 413, 463, 553
Eighth Party Congress (1971),
156, 297, 415
Ninth Party Congress (1976), 53
politburo of (Politbüro), 48, 62,
251, 356, 413, 415, 463, 569,
media and, Chapter 11
social movements, 52, 63–72. See
also youth culture

environmental movements, 69,
160–169, 412–13
peace movement, 60, 65–67
women’s rights movement, 68
social policy agenda (Agenda 2010,
Hartz Reforms), 26, 217–220, 226,
Solga, Heike, 202
Solidarność (solidarity), 50, 72, 560
Soviet Union. See USSR
SPD (Social Democratic Party of
Germany), 48, 56–57, 75, 77–78,
81–82, 196, 203, 205, 217, 317,
414, 423, 472, 474
Spilker, Jochen, 526
sport, 3, 27, Chapter 10
doping, 3, 27, 503, 522, 525–29,
Springer, Axel, 557, 559, 574,
576–78, 582
Sputnik shock, 22, 356, 422, 503
Stalinist industrialization
policies, 104, 116, 241, 297
in sports, 502
Stasi, 22, 47–48, 51, 53, 62, 66, 68,
73, 79, 164, 353, 362–63, 375, 381,
418, 462, 465, 507, 514, 520, 523,
554, 560, 564–65
Stecher, Renate, 3
Steinbuch, Karl, 356
STR (Scientifi c-technical revolution,
Revolution), 351, 357, 359, 367,

  1. See also industrial revolution,
    Strauß, Franz Josef, 47, 51, 123, 559

Taylorism, 248, 251, 253, 254, 262,
269–73, 278. See also Fordism
Teichler, Hans Joachim, 518–19
Teichler, Klaus, 518
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