American Patchwork & Quilting
® (ISSN 1066-758X), June 2020, Vol. 28, No. 3.
American Patchwork & Quilting
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The quilt I cherish most is Flower Garden, above, because I made
it during a time of personal growth. It was assembled in 2005,
before I started designing fabric for Andover Fabrics and while I
was building confi dence as a quilt designer. I remember I couldn’t
fi nd the exact color I wanted for the leaves so I hand-dyed vintage
linen tablecloths and cotton pillowcases. I added layers of chenille
texture to separate the vertical fl ower rows.
I made the quilt with the help of friends Lesa Dailey, who assisted
with freezer-paper preparation, and Becky Cogan, who did the
machine appliqué. It is a joy to create with friends!
Renee Nanneman
my most
cherished quilt
Share your most cherished quilt on Instagram
using the hashtag #mycherishedquilt.
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