American Patchwork & Quilting - USA (2020-06)

(Antfer) #1

Referring to Diagram 3, sew
together two of Unit 1 and a
medium or dark print B diamond to
make Unit 3. Repeat to make 32 total
of Unit 3.
Measurements include^1 ∕ 4 " seam
allowances. Sew with right sides
together unless otherwise stated.
The following instructions are for
hand piecing. For more information
see, “Suggested Supplies”, page 26.
Layer a beige print A square atop
a medium or dark print B diamond
(Diagram 1). Align matching points at
each corner and pin. Beginning with
a backstitch, sew together between
matching points. Backstitch at end of
seam and open pieces to make Unit 1.
Repeat to make 120 total of Unit 1.
Using set-in seams, sew together
two of Unit 1 to make Unit 2
(Diagram 2). (For details, see Set-In
Seams, page 99.) Repeat to make four
total of Unit 2.
Layer two pieces, marked with matching points on the
wrong sides, with right sides together. Align marked
matching points; push a pin through both pieces at
aligned matching points. Add pins along seam lines
as needed. For short seams, like those in Inner Circle,
only one pin is needed. Push it through the left-hand
corners (Photo A) and use your needle to match up
the right-hand corners.
Thread your needle; make a small knot at the thread
end. At marked matching points insert your needle
from the top through both pieces; make a small
backstitch (Photo A). Weave your needle in and out
of the fabric along the seam line in a short running
stitch, taking four to six stitches before pulling the
thread through (Photo B). If desired, take a backstitch
about every ¾" along the seam. Turn the layered
pieces over frequently to make certain your stitches
are also on the marked seam line of the bottom piece.
Sew to the matching points at the end of the seam
line; do not sew past them as they are where future
seams will intersect. Make two backstitches at the
matching points. Trim the thread, leaving a ½"-long
tail (Photo C).
How to Hand -Piece
Unit 1
Diagram 1
Unit 2
Diagram 2
Unit 3
Diagram 3
28 APQ ¥ June 2020
Inner Circle.indd 28 FINAL 2/26/20 5:01 PM

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