Measurements include^1 ⁄ 4 " seam
allowances. Sew with right sides
together unless otherwise stated.
Press seams in directions indicated
by arrows on diagrams. If no direction
is specified, press seam toward darker
Gather eight solid cream small
triangles, one bright print 4^1 ⁄ 2 "
square, four 3^1 ⁄ 4 × 61 ⁄ 4 " rectangles from
a different bright print, and four solid
cream large triangles.
Referring to Diagram 1, sew solid
cream small triangles to opposite
edges of bright print 4^1 ⁄ 2 " square.
Add solid cream small triangles to
remaining edges to make a Square-in-
a-Square unit. Trim unit to 6^1 ⁄ 4 " square
including seam allowances.
Referring to Diagram 2, lay
out remaining solid cream
small triangles, bright print 3^1 ⁄ 4 × 61 ⁄ 4 "
rectangles, and Square-in-a-Square
unit in three rows. Sew together pieces
in rows. Join rows to make block
center; trim dog-ears.
Sew solid cream large triangles
to opposite edges of block center
(Diagram 3). Add solid cream large
triangles to remaining edges to make
Block A. Trim block to 12^1 ⁄ 2 " square
including seam allowances.
Repeat steps 1–4 to make 20
A blocks total.
Use a pencil to mark a diagonal
line on wrong side of each mottled
coral, light green tone-on-tone, green
print, and coral dot 2" square.
Align a marked mottled coral
square with left-hand end of a
white-and-green dot 2× 31 ⁄ 2 " rectangle
(Diagram 4; note direction of marked
line). Sew on marked line. Trim seam
allowance to^1 ⁄ 4 "; press open attached
Cut pieces in the following order.
From solid cream, cut:
▫ 40—6" squares, cutting each
in half diagonally for 80 large
triangles total
▫ 40—5^1 ⁄ 2 " squares, cutting each
diagonally twice in an X for
160 small triangles total
▫ 1 2—3^1 ⁄ 2 " squares
From each bright print, cut:
▫ 1—4^1 ⁄ 2 " square
▫ 4—3^1 ⁄ 4 × 61 ⁄ 4 " rectangles
From each mottled coral, light green
tone-on-tone, green print, and coral
dot, cut:
▫ 24—2" squares
From white-and-green dot, cut:
▫ 9—2^1 ⁄ 2 ×42" strips for outer border
▫ 4—18^1 ⁄ 2 " squares, cutting each
diagonally twice in an X for
16 setting triangles total (you will
use 14)
▫ 24—3^1 ⁄ 2 × 121 ⁄ 2 " rectangles
▫ 2—9^1 ⁄ 2 " squares, cutting each
in half diagonally for 4 corner
triangles total
▫ 24—3^1 ⁄ 2 × 61 ⁄ 2 " rectangles
▫ 48—2× 31 ⁄ 2 " rectangles
▫ 48—2" squares
From mint green floral, cut:
▫ 8—2^1 ⁄ 2 ×42" strips for inner border
From mint green print, cut:
▫ 9—2^1 ⁄ 2 ×42" binding strips
As is often the case, I gravitated toward the light minty
green because it is one of my daughter’s favorite colors.
—Jessica Dayon, DESIGNER
How did you decide on your
(^4) sq.^1 / 2 "
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
31 / 4 × 61 / 4 "
Block A
Diagram 3
44 APQ ¥ June 2020
Good Day Sunshine.indd 44 FINAL 2/21/20 9:54 AM