For a kid-friendly quilt, update the traditional
pink-and-blue color palette with the addition of
gray, the most popular color for nurseries right
now. Compose the quilt center of eight A blocks,
two blue C blocks, two pink C blocks, two blue D
blocks, and two pink D blocks. To complete the
44 1∕2"-square quilt, add a 1"-wide fi nished gray
dot inner border and 3"-wide fi nished pink outer
FABRICS are from the Tiny Tots collection by Michael Miller
Fabrics (
Lay out remaining cream tone-
on-tone 3^1 ∕ 2 " squares, hourglass
units, and remaining red print 3^1 ∕ 2 "
square in three rows (Diagram 12).
Sew together pieces in rows. Join
rows to make Block E. The block
should be 9^1 ∕ 2 " square including seam
Referring to Quilt Assembly
Diagram, page 76, for orientation
of A and B blocks, lay out blocks in
nine rows. Sew together blocks in
rows. Press seams in one direction,
alternating direction with each row.
Join rows to make quilt center. Press
seams in one direction. The quilt center
should be 81^1 ∕ 2 " square including seam
Piece and cut navy floral 4^1 ∕ 2 ×42"
strips to make:
▫ 2—4^1 ∕ 2 × 891 ∕ 2 " border strips
▫ 2—4^1 ∕ 2 × 811 ∕ 2 " border strips
Sew short border strips to
opposite edges of quilt center. Add
long border strips to remaining edges
to complete quilt top. Press all seams
toward border.
Layer quilt top, batting, and
backing; baste. (For details, see
Complete Quilt, page 101.)
Quilt as desired. David Hurd
machine-quilted a meandering
swirl design across the quilt top
(Quilting Diagram).
Bind with blue print binding
strips. (For details, see Complete
Designer: Jessica Dayon
Machine quilter: David Hurd
Quilting Diagram
(^3) sq.^1 / 2 "
Block E
Diagram 12
(^3) sq.^1 / 2 "
78 APQ • June 2020
American Dreams.indd 78 FINAL 2/26/20 10:43 AM