The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms_ The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500

(Tuis.) #1

David Abulafia, 'The inception of the reign of King Ferrante
I of Naples: the events of summer 1458 in the light of
documentation from Milan', in Abulafia, French descent,
pp. 71-89.
J.G. Russell, Diplomats at work. Three Renaissance Studies
(Stroud, Glos., 1992).
David Abulafia, 'Ferrante I of Naples, Pope Pius II and the
Congress of Mantua ( 1459) ', in B.Z. Kedar and]. Riley-
Smith, eds, Montjoie. Studies on the crusades presented to Hans
Meyer (Aldershot, 1997).
R. Fubini, Italia Quattrocentesca (Milan, 1994).
H. Butters, 'Lorenzo and Naples', in G. C. Garfagnani, ed.,
Lorenzo il Magnifico e il suo mondo. Convegno internazionale di
studi (Firenze, 9-13 giugno 1992) (Florence, 1994), pp. 143-
51; H. Butters, 'Florence, Milan and the Barons' War
(1485-1486), in G.C. Garfagnani, ed., Lorenzo de'Medici.
Studi (Florence, 1992), pp. 281-308; H. Butters, 'Politics
and diplomacy in late Quattrocento Italy: the case of the
Barons' War (1485-1486)', in P. Denley, C. Elam, eds,
Florence and Italy. Renaissance Studies in honour of Nicolai
Rubinstein (London, 1988), pp. 13-31.
E. Pontieri, Venezia e il conjlitto tra Ferrante I d'Aragona e
Innocenzo VIII (Naples, 1969), reprinting material published
in the Archivio storico perle province napoletane in 1966-67.
P. Lopez, Napoli e la Peste 1464-15 30. Politica, istituzioni, prob-
lemi sanitari (Naples, 1989).

Works on cultural developments include:

G.L. Hersey, The Aragonese arch at Naples, 1443-1475 (New
Haven, Conn., 1973).
F. Patroni Griffi, Banchieri e gioielli alla corte aragonese di Napoli,
2nd edn (Naples, 1992).
Jose Carlos Rovira, Humanistas y poetas en la corte napolitana
de Alfonso el Magnanimo (Alicante, 1990).
A. Atlas, Music at the Aragonese court of Naples (Cambridge,
A. Ryder, 'Antonio Beccadelli: a humanist in government',
in C.H. Clough, ed., Cultural aspects of the Italian Renais-
sance. Essays in honour of Paul Oskar Kristeller (Manchester,
1976), pp. 123-40.
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