The Liberals said they wanted to
bring prices down to just below
$3,000 annually for a family of
four. Telus says the current an-
nual cost of four of its unlimited
data plans, with a family dis-
count, comes to $2,880 a year.
But Mr. Bains has only doubled
down on the campaign promise.
In an interview with The Cana-
dian Press last month, he said the
25-per-cent rate reductions he has
been mandated to achieve over
the next two years are on top of
any price reductions introduced
before the election.
Telecom executives counter
that it seems thegovernment has
not even decided how it plans to
define wireless prices – whether
it’ll be looking at the prices of spe-
cific plans, the per-gigabyte price
of data or the average user’s bill.
And Ottawa seems to want it all
- lower prices and much-im-
proved service across the country - the telecoms point out.
“The government seems to
have all these conflicting policy
objectives,” said Robert Malcolm-
son, chief regulatory officer at
BCE Inc. “They want low cell-
phone prices, they want us to
build out 5G, they want us to build
connectivity in rural areas. We’re
doing all of those things, but it has
to be funded by revenue, and rev-
enue comes from the provision of
services. Thegovernment’s singu-
lar focus on wireless prices has
implications for other objectives
they’re trying to accomplish.”
One of the tools the govern-
ment plans to use is forcing carri-
ers to sell network access to wire-
less resellers that lack their own
infrastructure, referred to as mo-
bile virtual network operators, or
MVNOs. The issue will come be-
fore the CRTC on Tuesday for nine
days of hearings in Gatineau. The
regulator has said the benefits of a
well-developed MVNO market
would likely outweigh any nega-
tive effects, although the rates,
terms and conditions need to be
ironed out.
The chief executives of both
BCE Inc. and Rogers Communica-
tions Inc. have emphasized the
impact of such regulatory policies
on network investments, with Joe
Natale warning that Rogers could
significantly cut the almost $3-bil-
lion it plans to spend on infras-
tructure this year if regulations
become overly punitive.
Another industry executive,
who is not being identified by The
Globe and Mail because they are
not authorized to discuss the mat-
ter publicly, said their company
has been thrown into contingen-
cy planning mode, mapping out
the kinds of cuts they would have
to make – not only to infrastruc-
ture investments but to their re-
tail footprints and call centre
staffing levels – to meet the 25-
per-cent price reduction.
Last summer’s introduction of
data plans with no overage fees –
which slow down speeds when a
customer’s data limit has been
reached – was a paradigm shift for
an industry that previously had
gleaned roughly 5 per cent of its
annual wireless revenue – rough-
ly $1-billion – from overage fees.
However, not all customers are
seeing their monthly bills go
down on the new plans. After
launching its “Infinite” offering
last June, Rogers said about 60 per
cent of customers moving to the
new plans were actually upgrad-
ing from cheaper ones. Although
the price of data has been on the
decline for years, data consump-
tion has been climbing steadily.
Statistics Canada says that in 2017,
Canadian households spent an
average of $101 a month on mo-
bile services – a year-over-year in-
crease of 9.7 per cent.
There are indications, though,
that thegovernment’s practice of
setting aside spectrum for region-
al players such as Freedom (previ-
ously Wind Mobile) and Quebe-
cor Inc.’s Videotron, as well as oth-
er measures, is beginning to bear
fruit. According to a study pub-
lished by the CRTC last year, the
prices of wireless plans offering
two gigabytes of data or more fell
about 32 per cent between 2016
and 2018. And in its submission to
the CRTC ahead of the wireless
hearings, the Competition Bu-
reau says it found prices are 35 per
cent to 40 per cent lower in mar-
kets where so-called wireless dis-
ruptors have achieved a market
share above 5.5 per cent.
“That’s really a reflection of our
policies,” Mr. Bains said, adding,
“but we have more to do.”
Yet consumers, for the most
part, seem unaware of all that.
Only 16 per cent of the 1,208 Cana-
dians surveyed via telephone late
last year for a CRTC report agreed
that the cost of cellphone plans
has gone down in the past three
years. And two-thirds said they
think cellphone prices in Canada
are higher than in other coun-
And industry analysts caution
that allowing low-cost competi-
tors to piggyback on the networks
of larger carriers will create a dis-
incentive for companies to invest
in infrastructure – which could
stunt advanced network rollout
in rural areas and put Canada be-
hind in the global 5G race. Cana-
dians, who currently enjoy high-
quality networks, may soon find
themselves dealing with slower
speeds and poorer coverage than
their peers around the world, they
“We’ve seen examples of that
in Europe,” Desjardins analyst
Maher Yaghi said. “When regula-
tion for MVNOs is implemented,
all these companies pull back on
[capital expenditure], because
that’s the easiest way to protect
your free cash flow.”
Ben Klass, a PhD candidate at
Carleton University whose re-
search into wireless pricing is
funded by the Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council,
isn’t entirely convinced that carri-
ers will cut back on network in-
vestments, since doing so is sim-
ply a smart business move.
“This is a familiar refrain to
anyone who’s paid attention to
this for a long time,” Mr. Klass
said. “I think that, to a large ex-
tent, it’s theatrics.”
One potential compromise
would be to introduce a hybrid
model such as the one proposed
by the Competition Bureau. In a
submission to the CRTC, the bu-
reau suggests that the larger carri-
ers should only be required to sell
network access, on a temporary
basis, to regional carriers who
plan to invest in and expand their
own networks.
At least one telecom provider is
in favour. Cogeco Inc., which
serves 850,000 internet custom-
ers in Ontario and Quebec, would
love to be able to get into the wire-
less space, but the barriers to en-
try are too high.
“We need something in the
middle – a little of what we have,
with a twist of new regulation to
increase competition and in-
crease investment,” president
and CEO Philippe Jetté said. “It’s
always the same players that can
play in the ecosystem. We need
new players.”
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Level1: 1 50 min./no data
Level4:Unlimited min.,SMS/2GB data
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Level1: 1 50 min./no data
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Iget good valueformoneyfrom my cellShoneSrovider
Cost ofcellShoneSlans hasd aecresedinthelast threeyears
Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree
Q: Pleasetell meifyouagreeordisagreewitheach ofthefollowing
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4 7% 26 1376
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39% 19 17 10 10
22% 24 26 14 1 2
8% 8 17 18 40
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** **
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Britain France Germany Australia
In response, the Beaudoin family, which controls Bombardier
through a dual-share structure, spun out the recreational ve-
hicle division and its supposedly cyclical results to focus on
just two divisions, trains and planes.
Getting rid of Ski-Doos is sort of the sensible strategy
taught in Harvard Business School. Can’t you hear a professor
explaining dabbling in luxury goods is to be avoided, while an
enterprise that generates dependable cash flow from a single
business, such as making trains, is to be embraced?
How did the Ski-Doo spin work out? Well, the Beaudoin
clan and private equity firm Bain Capital bought the division
for $1.23-billion 17 years ago. They rolled out new product
lines, including three-wheeled motorbikes called Spyders,
and shifted manufacturing to Mexico. In 2013, the recreation-
al vehicle maker went public as BRP Inc.
While the stock price bounced around over the past seven
years, reflecting shifts in consumer spending, BRP shares are
up threefold since the initial public offering, making this a
huge win for investors. BRP now sports a market capitaliza-
tion of $6.7-billion; the company is 50 per cent more valuable
than Bombardier. Which tells you the Beaudoin offspring,
and the managers they hire, know something about selling
expensive toys to wealthy customers.
Can Bombardier chief executive Alain Bellemare replicate
the success of BRP? That’s certain-
ly the goal. Mr. Bellemare is an
aerospace veteran. He was hired
in 2015 to oversee a turnaround.
The job featured two major chal-
lenges: Paying down debt that ran
to more than US$9-billion and fo-
cusing Bombardier on what it
does best. Both problems may
have finally been solved by the Al-
stom deal.
Going forward, Bombardier
will be a business-jet maker with
an industry-leading US$14.4-billion backlog of orders. The
company will introduce new products, in the form of larger
planes with greater range. Mr. Bellemare will expand a servic-
ing business that kicks off dependable cash flow by keeping a
fleet of more than 4,800 existing Bombardier jets in the air.
Alstom, on the other hand, will shoulder responsibility for
fixing a trains business that has been plagued by cost over-
runs and missed deadlines in recent years. The headaches
that come with dealing with a Bombardier factory in Thunder
Bay that laid off 550 employees in November – half its work
force – are now a Paris-based CEO’s problem.
The path forward won’t be easy. Mr. Bellemare may need to
do one more significant deal to pay down more of Bombar-
dier’s US$2.5-billion remaining debt, such as landing in an in-
vestment from a private equity fund. He must deal with com-
petitors such as Gulfstream and Cessna that are part of larger
aerospace conglomerates. When the next economic down-
turn comes, as it surely will, Bombardier’s faith in demand for
corporate jets will be tested.
However, on Monday, Mr. Bellemare finally shed the bulk
of the debt left over from the company’s ill-fated foray into
commercial aircraft manufacturing. The Alstom deal signals
that five years after he arrived, Mr. Bellemare has determined
that going forward, this company makes business jets and
that’s it. For Bombardier, the runway is finally clear.
The review’s expert panel, led by telecom lawyer Janet Yale,
recommended imposing conditions on tech giants related to
the amount of money they spend in Canada and how easy it
would be to discover Canadian content on their platforms.
Reynolds Mastin, who heads the industry group that rep-
resents independent content creators, said that federal regu-
lators need to play an active role.
“It’s about the future of the entire industry,” said Mr. Mas-
tin, president of the Canadian Media Producers Association.
“It’s not about any one particular streamer or studio. That’s
why we encouragethe government to have as many tools
available as possible so that we have flexibility in a new-and-
improved Broadcasting Act that can adapt to this fast-chang-
ing, dynamic market.”
In its submission to the expert panel, Google Canada sug-
gested that the new regulations should take into account the
business models of the different platforms. For instance,
while Netflix Inc. actively commissions shows, YouTube pro-
vides a platform for any user to upload content – which
would make it tricky to track, let alone guarantee, a certain
amount of Canadian content.
“We’re deeply committed to
the Canadian creator ecosystem
and look forward to working col-
laboratively with thegovernment
and industry,” Google spokeswo-
man Maria Cortellucci said in a
statement to The Globe and Mail.
The danger to the federal gov-
ernment would be that the regu-
lations could be so stringent that
the companies could pull one or
more products out of Canada, rather than live with the new
law. For example, when the federal Liberals changed the elec-
tions law before the 2019 vote, companies adapted in con-
trasting ways. Facebook Inc. introduced new transparency
tools in Canada to fulfill its obligations, while Google decided
it would ban political ads on its sites in the country so it
wouldn’t have to deal with the new rules.
While the Heritage Ministry works with tech giants on cul-
tural policy, the Finance Department is moving ahead in oth-
er areas. The federal government is expected to announce in
its coming budget that it will require foreign-owned digital
companies to collect and remit federal sales tax on their ser-
vices. Quebec and Saskatchewan recently required the same
for provincial sales taxes.
Finance Minister Bill Morneau has said that thegovern-
ment will wait on imposing any extra corporate taxes on the
tech companies until after Organization of Economic Co-op-
eration and Development countries come to an agreement
on how to tax international companies that operate outside
the country in which they are based.
The minority Liberal government will require the support
of one of the opposition parties to pass the CRTC legislation.
Both the Bloc Québécois and the NDP have called for high-
er taxes on the tech companies. “If Mr. Guilbeault really
wants to help our industries, he and the Liberals can work
with us to make sure that web giants pay their fair share,”
NDP MP Alexandre Boulerice said.
The Conservatives did not respond to a request for com-
Apple Inc.said on Monday that
it will not meet its revenue
guidance for the March quarter
owing to the coronavirus out-
break affecting both production
and demand in China.
The company said that de-
spite the fact that its production
facilities in China have re-
opened, they are ramping up
slower than expected.
The company had forecast
US$63-billion to US$67-billion in
revenue for the quarter ending
in March, ahead of estimates of
Apple said that supply for its
iPhones will be “temporarily
constrained” as manufacturing
facilities in China are still not
operating at full capacity. Sales
of iPhones were up for the first
time in a year in the December
quarter. It also said that store
disruptions have affected its
sales in China, with most stores
either closed or operating at
reduced hours.
The outbreak is expected to
pile pressure on China’s econo-
my with companies struggling to
restart production after an
extended new year holiday as
supply chains from the car
industry to smartphones remain
Analysts have estimated that
the virus may slash demand for
smartphones by half in the first
quarter in China, the world’s
biggest market for smartphones.