As Ontario MPPs return to the legislature
on Tuesday after an eight-week break, the
Progressive Conservative government of
Premier Doug Ford faces a growing list of
potential headaches.
Tensions are rising amid an impasse
with striking teachers’ unions, with a prov-
incewide one-day strike scheduled for Fri-
day. Ontario’s Liberal Party, reduced to a
rump in the most recent election, is now
poised to select a new leader, former cabi-
net minister Steven Del Duca, who will set
his sights on Mr. Ford.
And before the end of March, the gov-
ernment will unveil its second budget, po-
tentially reigniting the battles over spend-
ing cuts that have dogged it since last
year’s budget.
The government says its budget will
take an even-handed approach. It also in-
sists a deal can be reached with teachers
unions – angered over plans to increase
class sizes and mandate online courses –
at the bargaining table.
But Opposition NDP Leader Andrea
Horwath says thegovernment must back
off its education cuts if it wants a deal with
teachers. And she is wary of a potential re-
run of last year’s budget, which the gov-
ernment presented as protecting public
services, but included cuts to public
health, legal aid and other programs.
“I know that last year, they tried to sell
their budget as something that it wasn’t,”
Ms. Horwath said. “And it took a lot of peo-
ple a couple of days and, in some cases,
weeks to weed out all of the cuts that were
hidden in that budget.”
Finance Minister Rod Phillips told re-
porters this week that the budget would
balance concerns over the cost of living
with the need to spend more in key areas
such health and education and the gov-
ernment’s plan to gradually balance the
books over the next three years.
“I think it is all about a balanced ap-
proach. ... People are worried about affor-
dability for themselves. They are worried
about investments in the key services,” Mr.
Phillips said. “But they also understand
that with the largest subsovereign debt in
the world left bythe lastgovernment ...
that we are going to have to be careful.”
PC House Leader Paul Calandra played
down talk of back-to-work legislation to
end the series of one-day teachers’ strikes
that have left parents scrambling for child
care. He said he felt both sides were close
enough that a deal could be made at the
table. But he would not rule out legislating
teachers back.
“There’s no denying that obviously the
government has massive legislative tools
at its disposal,” Mr. Calandra said, adding
that he has children in school and feels the
same frustrations as other parents.
“I don’t think we’re there yet. I think
most people will still say, get into the room
and figure it out,” he said. “ ... I know de-
spite all the rhetoric on our side and on
their side, there is still a deal to be done.”
He said he has been critical his own gov-
ernment’s approach to the budget, and
that he preferred a quicker attack on the
province’s $9-billion deficit. At the gov-
ernment’s current pace, the books will not
balance until 2023–ayearafterthenext
“I am more of a fiscal hawk in the party
than perhaps others are,” he said in an in-
terview. “ ... The Premier has chosen to do
it over a longer period of time, so that we
can work together to get there.”
He also dismissed concerns that a revi-
talized Liberal Party, with renewed fun-
draising and a louder voice under Mr. Del
Duca, posed a threat.
“This is the guy who was at the table, for
many, many years of McGuinty and Wynne
government, which has put us in the place
where we are right now with massive def-
icits, large debt, economic disparity be-
tween urban and rural parts of this prov-
ince,” Mr. Calandra said, adding that Mr.
Del Duca was “part of the reason which got
me to run provincially.”
The legislature’s return will also mark
the first Question Periods at Queen’s Park
operating under new rules that allow Mr.
Ford to refer questions directed to him to
his cabinet without having to announce it
in the legislature.
The NDP, which says that Mr. Ford often
deflects questions unless they are friendly
queries from his owngovernment’s MPPs,
has said the change will let the Premier off
the hook.
But Mr. Calandra says the rule change –
already standard procedure in every other
legislature in Canada – actually favours
the Opposition. Now, premiers won’t be
able to run out the Question Period clock
with what Mr. Calandra called the “slow
rise,” taking several seconds to get up only
to refer a question to another front-bench-
“He can still be asked a question, and
will answer those questions that he wants
to answer,” Mr. Calandra said.
and Liberals tied with 20 seats in the legis-
lature. The Green Party and the People’s
Alliance have three each, Mr. Gauvin is the
lone Independent and two seats are va-
He was the second Tory MLA to de-
nounce the ER closings, after Bruce North-
rup said Thursday he couldn’t support the
move, but intended to continue support-
ing the government in other areas.
Both the Greens and Liberals said they
were prepared todefeat thegovernment
on a confidence motion.
The government had said resources di-
New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs has
announced hisgovernment is backing
down on a decision to close emergency
rooms overnight in six community hospi-
tals in the province, in order to allow for
community consultations.
In a statement released late Sunday, Mr.
Higgs says residents of rural New Brun-
swick face unique challenges, and that he
can’t in good conscience move forward
with the March 11 implementation date
without addressing those concerns.
He says he will visit the communities
with the affected departments – Sussex,
Sackville, Sainte-Anne-de-Kent, Caraquet,
Grand Falls and Perth-Andover – in April
and May to get the views of leaders,
health-care providers and citizens.
The announcement follows Deputy
Premier Robert Gauvin’s decision last
week to quit in protest over the reforms
and opt to sit as an Independent.
It left the minoritygovernment in the
precarious position of facing a confidence
vote or possibly calling an early election.
Mr. Higgs had said as late as Friday that
his resolve had not changed, but that he
would meet with his caucus to decide how
to proceed.
“I have said time and time again that
we are on a mission to save New Brun-
swick, and that includes tackling the crisis
in health care,” Mr. Higgs said in his an-
nouncement to cancel the closings Sun-
“But we need people in this province to
be part of the solution and that must start
with hearing from the people most im-
Mr. Gauvin’s departure left the Tories
verted from the overnight shift would
shore up daytime services, enhance men-
tal-health services and allow for more
long-term chronic care beds.
Mr. Higgs said Sunday that thegovern-
ment will hold a health-care summit in
June to develop a strategy for ensuring a
sustainable and reliable public health-
care system for the future.
The findings from the community
meetings and summit will be released in
the fall, Mr. Higgs pledged.
Two Toronto-area tow-truck company
employees are in hospital after a Sunday
night shooting in what police say could be
the latest incident in a violent turf war
between tow-truck drivers across the
Greater Toronto Area.
York Regional Police Staff Sergeant
Marc Hilliker said the shooting happened
around 8:40 p.m. in the parking lot of Pro-
menade Mall in Thornhill, near Bathurst
Street and Clark Avenue.
The first victim, a 30-year-old man, was
shot while sitting in a car in a parking lot.
The second, a 17-year-old, was standing in
the lot when a masked gunman opened
By the time emergency responders ar-
rived, the shooter had fled. The two vic-
tims were rushed to a trauma centre. As of
Monday morning, Staff Sgt. Hilliker said
the 17-year-old was deemed stable. The
30-year-old remains in critical condition.
The parking lot – where the car and a
tow truck remained parked – was taped
off Monday for forensic investigation.
Staff Sgt. Hilliker said Monday that the
investigation will be probing what con-
nection this case might have to the con-
tinuing violence and feuding within the
GTA’s tow-truck industry.
As The Globe and Mail reported Sat-
urday, in the past year more than 30 tow
trucks have been set on fire in the region,
and at least two men with ties to the in-
dustry have been killed, as operators
compete for bigger slices of the lucrative
business and tensions continue to esca-
Mark Graves, head of the Provincial
Towing Association of Ontario, told The
Globe that he used to receive calls from
consumers with complaints about exorbi-
tant bills. Now, he primarily receives calls
from drivers afraid to go to work.
The violence has also targeted periph-
eral industries, including a Vaughan law
firm that specialized in representing in-
surance companies in court battles
against local towing companies, over stor-
age and towing bills.
That firm, Carr Law, has closed down
after two arsons, an attack on a lawyer in
the parking lot and finally a shooting in
broad daylight in September.
Industry stakeholders said the violence
has added urgency to their long-standing
calls for regulation and oversight of the
lucrative and highly corruptible industry.
Doug Nelson, who is both head of the
Ontario Recovery Group (an umbrella as-
sociation that represents the interests of
heavy-duty towing companies in the
province) and executive director of the
Canadian Towing Association, says pro-
vincial licensing and management is the
only way to protect tow-truck drivers –
and consumers.
Transportation Minister Caroline Mul-
roney and Government and Consumer
Services Minister Lisa Thompson have
previously declined interview requests
with The Globe about violence within the
tow-truck industry.
In an e-mail Monday, a spokesperson
for Ms. Thompson said,“The government
is aware of this issue and remains com-
mitted to working with our law enforce-
ment partners and the Ministry of Trans-
portation where necessary. Any criminal
activity falls under the purview of the po-
lice and should be reported to the local
law enforcement unit.”
A spokesperson for Ms. Mulroney de-
ferred questions Sunday to the Solicitor-
General, who also declined to comment
through a spokesperson.
anada is facing a decision
on the biggest oil sands
mine proposal in almost a
decade. Alberta’s Frontier oil
sands mine, proposed by Teck
Resources, has gone through a
lengthy regulatory process culmi-
nating in a recommended
approval from a joint federal-
provincial review panel and is
now under consideration by the
federal cabinet.
A casual observer might
assume that, given the potential
environmental and economic ef-
fects, this process would have
been comprehensive.
Yet the panel’s report, which
shares the reasoning behind the
decision, is remarkably weak on
its considerations of climate
effects. Surprisingly, no condi-
tions were proposed that
mitigated any of the project’s
climate effects. In a year in which
two-thirds of Canadians voted for
stronger climate action, this is
In the 1,300-page report, only
seven pages were spent discuss-
ing the climate effects from the
project, and in that space, the
panel dismissed much of the evi-
dence put in front of it.
Moreover, the panel remained
silent on whether emissions from
the mine would result in a “signif-
icant adverse effect.”
Contrary to popular belief, the
bitumen that would be produced
by the project – as approved by
the joint review panel – would
not be best in class from a climate
emissions standpoint. Yet the
panel accepted that, as proposed,
Frontier would be, at best, an
average emissions performer per
barrel compared with its oil sands
neighbours. This has much to do
with the lower quality of the ore
that the company would extract,
leaving it exposed as investors in-
creasingly consider carbon risk. It
encouraged the company to do
better, but imposed no condi-
tions to ensure this aspiration.
The panel also rejected any
consideration of alternative oil
price forecasts put in front of it. It
instead relied on a highly opti-
mistic forecast for global oil de-
mand and future oil prices. This
means that in order for Cana-
dians to enjoy the stated econom-
ic benefits from the project, we
are likely accepting that the world
will fail to prevent the worst
effects of climate change.
The panel concluded its seven-
page climate discussion by
recognizing that because it would
create a large source of emissions,
the Frontier project may make it
more difficult for Canada to meet
its climate targets. Whether it did
make it more difficult was
deemed by the panel to be out-
side the scope of its review.
The panel’s assessment is
proof of the need for better cli-
mate assessments in project deci-
sion-making. The new Impact As-
sessment Act has the potential to
treat greenhouse gas effects more
rigorously, but it is unclear what
guidance future panels will be
given to properly assess climate.
What we need are tools, such as
clear carbon budgets, to under-
stand how individual projects fit
into Canada’s long-term decarbo-
nization pathways, and for the
use of those tools to be mandato-
ry in project decision-making.
Teck Resources’ recent an-
nouncement that it will aspire
voluntarily to meet net-zero
emissions by 2050 is an important
acknowledgment of the signifi-
cant climate effects of this pro-
ject. However, much remains to
be defined about how this project
fits into Canada’s climate budget.
It is the federal government’s
role to ensure that Canada and its
major projects are prepared for
the coming years of decarboniza-
tion. But until our regulatory
processes connect the dots
between individual projects and
our country’s stated climate
goals, and our provincial and fed-
eral leaders start co-operating on
short-term emissions-reduction
targets and Ottawa’s commit-
ment to reach net-zero emissions
by mid-century, projects such as
Teck Frontier will continue to be