The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

826 Index

Burke, Edmund (cont.)
of, 226–27; on the French Revolution, 195,
241, 329, 332, 539; on Germany, 695n24;
and the “great rule of equality,” 234; lack of
interest in the American state constitu-
tions, 1999, 199n38; opposition to the re-
form of Parliament, 129, 215, 330; on the
Polish constitution, 438, 441; on the Polish
revolution, 322–25; on radicalism, 332; on
recognition of the royal government in
France, 457; on religion, 469; on the Stamp
Act, 130; sympathy of for the American
cause, 134–35
Burlamaqui, J. J., 84
Burns, Robert, 717
Buttafoco, C. B., 588
Butterfield, Herbert, 221, 223
Byron, George Gordon (Lord Byron), 669

Cabot, George, 745, 757
Cacault, François, 573–74, 577; on Italians,
Cagliostro, Alessandro, 496
Calabria, 656–60
Calas, Jean, 99
Calhoun, John C., 438
Calibans, 491
Callender, James, emigration of to America,
Calonne, Charles Alexandre de, 139, 377, 350,
356, 379, 383, 402; belief of in constitu-
tional monarchy, 541–42; modernizing pro-
gram of, 261; plan of to reduce the French
national debt, 337–39, 343
Calvin, John, 29, 88
Calvinism/Calvinists, 30, 84, 145, 240, 257,
329; exclusion of from gilds, 30
Cambon, Pierre- Joseph, 421, 430, 431, 435
Campbell, Thomas, 473, 717
Campe, Joachim Heinrich, 415, 562
Canada, 750–52; and Cisalpinization, 622;
creation of Upper and Lower Canada, 750.
See also Canada Act (1791)
Canada Act (1791), 174, 987–88, 998
Canning, George, 808, 964
Cape of Good Hope, 220, 243, 513, 616,
516n22, 564
Cape Town, 8, 528–29, 586; British occupa-
tion of, 529
Caracciolo, Francesco, 658, 661

Carli, Gian Rinaldo, 179
Carlyle, Thomas, on the French Revolution,
Carnot, Lazare, 457, 465, 543, 546; expulsion
of from the French Directory, 565
Carra, J.- L., 404, 414, 748
Cart, J. J., 670
Cartwright, John, 128, 135, 185; view of Par-
liament, 135n39
Cassandra (Danican), 618
Castiglioni, Luigi, 179, 195
Catalonia, 505–6, 728, 748
Catechism of Man, 485
Catherine II (“Catherine the Great” [empress
of Russia]), 200, 215, 303; grandsons of,
479; organization of cities by, 304; on the
pacification of Warsaw, 489; relationship of
with the nobility, 303–4; serfdom in Russia
during her reign, 303–4; view of and subse-
quent invasion of Poland, 316, 425, 441,
441n26, 442, 445, 448, 482, 760. See also
Charter of the Nobility (1785)
Catholic Committee of Dublin, 737
Cérutti, Giuseppe, 640
Ceylon, 243, 516, 516n22, 527, 529, 564, 571,
Championnet, Jean- Etienne, 644, 654, 655,
657, 658, 776, 786; trial of, 785
Charles III (king of Spain), 299
Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor), 251
Charles X. See Count of Artois
Charleston, 146
Charter of the Nobility (1785), 25, 299,
Chartism, 199, 714
Chastellux, François- Jean de, 196
China, 8
Chénier, M. J., 177, 415
Chiaramonti, Barnaba (cardinal; later Pope
Pius VII), 540, 507, 608, 651, 783
Chinard, Gilbert, 360–61n12
Choiseul, Etienne François, 101, 101n24, 105,
Christianity, 328, 384, 462,705, 709. See also
Christianity, and democracy
Christianity, and democracy, 705, 759, 779;
collision of Christianity with revolutionary
republicanism, 606, 635–41; and the con-
servative use of Christianity, 637; and the
deism favored by republicans, 637–38, 641,
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