The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

Index 827

651; explanations for the collision of Chris-
tianity and republicanism, 636; in the
United States, 636
Church of England, 36, 49, 238, 240, 388, 392,
501, 640, 732
Cisalpine Republic, 17, 79, 521, 616–18, 639,
644–46, 648, 651, 657, 664, 672, 673; and
the abolition of fidecommessi, 606; austriac-
anti, or “Austrianizers” in, 609; and the
Cisalpine army, 605; and the “Cisalpiniza-
tion” of Europe, 568; as a cockpit of repub-
lican politics, 604; collapse of, 783; compo-
sition of from territories formerly
belonging to six jurisdictions, 604; conser-
vatism of the rural population in, 609; con-
stitution of, 586, 609, 611–13; coups d’état
in, 61; democrats, or giacobini, in, 589–90;
as an educational enterprise, 609; forma-
tion of, 596, 598 598n18, 601; and the law
of 13 Vendemmiale of the Year VI, 607;
measures taken against the Catholic
Church, 607; moderates in, 604, 609; as a
modern state, 603–9; overthrow of by the
Russians, 609; politics and vicissitudes of,
609–13; restoration of, 784, 792; treaty of
with France (1798), 611
Cispadane Republic, 590, 597–600; constitu-
tion of, 599; declaration of rights of, 599;
formation of, 590; political structure of,
597–98; short existence of, 600
Cisrhenane Republicans, 562, 692–99
“citizen,” as an Americanism, 168, 168n13
Civic Sermons ( Jelsky), 488
Clark, George Rogers, 417, 571, 622, 751, 752;
influence of the French Revolution on, 8
Clarkson, Thomas, 415
class consciousness, 58–63, 190, 762
Clavière, Etienne, 74, 197, 271, 272, 275, 418,
Clifford, Robert, 560
Cloots, Anacharsis, 416; on “bourgeois equal-
ity,” 462; death of, 464
Cloots, J. B., 416
close corporations, 32
Closed Commercial State, The (Fichte), 704
clubs and conventions, in Great Britain/En-
gland, 720–28, 724n27; addresses of En-
glish clubs to the French Convention, 722,
Cobb, R. C., 546

Cobban, Alfred, 9, 189, 253–55, 255n22, 330
Cobbett, William, 413, 762, 763, 768, 770
Coercive Acts crisis, 130–37
Coke, Edward, 106
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 717
Collot, Victor, 571, 751, 752, 752n8
Cologne, 30
Colquhoun, Patrick, 711
Commentaries on the Laws of England (Black-
stone), 48, 106; philosophical arguments of,
Committee of Public Safety (France), 16, 400,
409, 446, 451, 456, 458, 461, 462, 569, 574,
621, 645; actions of against its enemies,
464; and the equalization of wealth in
France, 459, 460, 463; and Ireland, 738;
members of, 457; powers of, 457; relation-
ship of with the armies of France, 456; and
the trials of the Germinal, 464, 465
Common Sense (Paine), 148
Commune of Paris, 405
communism, 413; and the French Directory,
526, 544–54 passim, 547n5
community, 19; “democratic” and “aristocratic”
forms of, 20
Compagnoni, Giuseppe, 595
Condorcet. See Marquis de Condorcet
Confederation of Targowica, 325
Confessions (Rousseau), 100
Congregationalists, 145
Congress of Rastadt, 645, 654, 672
Congress of the United Belgian States, 291
conservatism, 10, 20, 47, 121, 206, 278, 537,
588; anti- conciliatory conservatism, 555;
conservative ideology and the War of the
Second Coalition, 781–82; economic con-
servatism, 174; in France, 588, 634; in the
French Directory, 654; in Germany, 20,
686, 705; in Great Britain, 20, 119n12, 157,
261, 539, 711, 714; in revolutionary Amer-
ica, 164–66
Considerations on the Government of France
(Marquis d’Argenson), 14
Considérations sur l ’ordre de Cincinnatus (Mira-
beau), 203–4
Considérations sur la Révolution française (de
Maistre), 559–60
Conspiracy of Equals, 546, 548–50, 574
Conspiration pour l ’Egalité dite de Babeuf (Bu-
onarroti), 553
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