The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

828 Index

Constitution of England (Delolme), 108, 109,
110n6, 291
Constitution of Germany (Hegel), 702
Constitution of the Year I (1793), 16
Conté, Nicolas, 624
Continental Congress (1774), 71, 117, 128,
130–31; issuing of a Declaration of Rights
by, 136–37; sovereign nature of, 156, 159
Continental Congress (1775), 156
Conscription Act (1798), 787
Convention of Alkmaar (1799), 790
Cooper, Thomas, 732, 769; emigration of to
America, 719
Cornuaud, Isaac, 104
Cornwallis, Charles, 219, 743, 743n61
Corporation Act (1661), 239, 240
Corsica (kingdom of Corsica), 387, 450, 568,
573, 583, 585–88; actions of the Corsican
Parliament, 588; constitution of, 586; end
of, 588; and resistance to an Anglo-
Corsican kingdom, 587; revolutionary and
counter- revolutionary divisions in, 588;
view of the French Revolution in, 587
corvée royale, conversion of to a money tax,
Coswell, Joseph, 763
Council of Decurions, 28, 80
Count of Artois, 358, 372, 379, 382, 399, 413;
attempts to raise civil war in the French
Republic, 556–58
Count de Buffon, 208
Count Capodistrias, 620
Count de Ferrand, 559
Count of Hohenzollern, 785
Count de Mercy- Argenteau, 269
Count de Mirabeau, 125, 187, 196, 203, 204,
343, 348, 360, 356, 366, 369, 398; diatribe
against the as leader of the French Revolu-
tion, 351
Count de Ségur, 421, 422
Count of Provence. See Louis XVIII (king of
Count de Vergennes. See Gravier, Charles
(Count de Vergennes)
Counter-Revolution, 383, 401–6, 449–41,
705–8 passim; association of with priests,
406; beginnings of in France, 385, 401; in
Belgium and Poland, 424; conservative na-
ture of, 705, 706, 781, 779–85; counter-
revolutionary cross currents, 705–8; in the

Low Countries, 425–37 passim; offensives
of, 597, 659; writings concerning (1795–
1797), 628
coup d’état of Brumaire, 787
coup d’état of Floréal, 526, 563, 567, 612
coup d’état of Fructidor, 523, 535, 563, 565,
567, 603
Courier de Moldavie, 503
Cowper, William, 108
Coxe, William, 29
Crevecoeur, St. John de, 189, 197
Croce, Benedetto, 656, 658
Cromwell, Oliver, 713
Cuoco, Vincenzo, 656, 661
Curban, Real de, 47; on the formation of state
offices, 47; on hereditary position, 48; on
the social order as willed by God, 48
Custine, Adam Philippe de, 84, 418, 695
Czartoryski, Adam, 310

Daendels, H. A., 465, 511, 512, 790; arrest of
leading members of the Batavian govern-
ment by, 526–27
d’Alembert, Jean le Rond, 84, 88, 89, 97
Danican, Louis Michel Auguste, 617
Danton, Georges, 56, 393, 412, 454, 470
Danzig, 311, 317; designs of Prussia on, 318,
d’Argenson. See Marquis d’Argenson
Das Helvetische Volksblatt, 629
Dauphiny, Estates of, 344, 351, 363, 370
De Democraten, 16
De la félicité publique (Marquis de Chastellux),
De Pauw, Cornelius, 208, 416
Dechristianization, 457, 459, 42, 540, 641; and
de- Christianized humanitarians, 639
Declaration of Independence, 94, 103, 145,
149, 156, 162, 168, 186; partial text of, 159
Declaration of Pillnitz, 384, 386, 499
Declaration of Rights (1774), 136
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
(1789), 48, 301, 332, 360, 697, 748; as the
chief single document of the Revolution of
the Western World, 362; concern of with
the nature of law and authority, 361; first
three articles of, 361; parallels with the Vir-
ginia Declaration, 361
Declaration of Verona, 557, 557n26, 559
Declaratory Act (1719), 103, 127, 156
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