The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

Index 835

Godwin, William, 717
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 193, 684
Goethezeit (Age of Goethe), 699–705
Gogel, Isaac J. A., 510, 511, 518, 526, 757
Göhring, Martin, 341
Golden Book, the, 28
Golden Bull (1356), 380
Gorani, Giuseppe, 415
Gordon, George, 225
Gospel to the Russian Israel, 480
Gottschalk, Louis, 9
Grattan, Henry, 221, 228
“Grattan’s Parliament,” 139, 216–21
Gravier, Charles (Count de Vergennes), 75,
186, 271, 337
Great Britain/England, 9, 22, 32, 38, 55, 61,
75, 77, 91, 200, 216, 378, 387–88, 506,
507; as an ally of Holland against the
French, 394; as aristocratic, 537, 622; at-
tempts by to raise a Swiss counter-revolu-
tionary armed force, 682–83; British radi-
calism and continental revolution, 711–20
passim; business men in, 725; capture of
Dutch shipping by, 243; as champion of
the European Counter Revolution, 586;
clubs and conventions in, 720–27, 724n27;
coffee houses in, 712; conflicts with France
concerning North America, 750; conflicts
with Holland, 728; debt of caused by the
Seven Years’ War, 114; as different from
the rest of Europe, 711–12; disaffection in,
711, 714; ease of rising to the aristocracy
in, 55; economic reform in, 226; effects of
the American Revolution on, 215; finan-
cial aid provided to its Coalition allies in
the fight against France, 537, 537–38n9;
financial aid provided by Holland to, 243,
246; foreign aid provided by to Sweden,
76; foreign aid provided by to Switzerland,
780; foreign relations with Holland, 245,
247, 253; game laws in, 729, 729n38; giv-
ing away of public offices in, 54; govern-
mental structure of towns in, 32; high
rates of taxation in, 118; intellectuals in,
717; invasion of Holland by (1799), 517;
the involuntary transportation of radicals
to Botany Bay, 719; and the Jay Treaty
with the United States (1794–1795), 571,
751–52, 764; lack of tension between elites
of different kinds in, 713; lawyers in, 713;

the “levee en masse,” in, 728–34; naval
mutinies of 1797 in, 621; newspapers in,
937; opposition in to the war with Amer-
ica, 129; pamphleteering in, 712; Parlia-
ment of, 712; parliaments and assemblies
in, 35–41; peace talks with the French,
516; poets in, 717; the “politicization” of
opinion in, 712; publishing in, 729–32; re-
form movement in, 156, 198; relationship
between the king and prime minister in,
46; relief given to the poor in (the “Speen-
hamland system”), 729, 730n39; republi-
canism in, 721, 744; restoration of the
Bourbon monarchy as a primary foreign
policy goal of (1799), 778; Revolution So-
cieties in, 714; State Trials of 1794, 725;
sympathy in for the French Revolution,
323; sympathy for republican France in,
710; taxation system of, 61; treaty of with
Russia, 55; troops of stationed in Ireland,
734, 734–35n48; underground activities of
in Batavian Republic, 516, 516n23; uni-
versity professors and students in, 715; un-
willingness of to make peace with France,
537; the voluntary emigration of radicals
to America, 719; war debts of in fighting
Napoleon, 431. See also American Revolu-
tion; British America; British North
America; British Parliament
Great Democratic Revolution, 214–15
Greece/Greeks, 411, 502–4; planned uprising
of against the Ottoman Empire, 7
Grégoire, Henri, 419, 420, 620, 639
Grenoble, 465. See also Parlement of Grenoble
Grenus, Jacques, 667
Grenville, George, 68, 111, 114, 118, 464, 523,
557, 584, 616, 620, 622, 654, 677, 728, 744,
762, 765, 779, 789, 790; proposals of for
America leading to the Revenue Act
(1764), 119; rejection of Dutch moderates
by, 781; role of in the passage of the Stamp
Act (1765), 119
Grey, Charles, 714
Griewank, K., 12
Grondwettige Herstelling, 248
Gschwend, K. H., 680
Guadet, Marguerite- Élie, 385
Gustavus III (king of Sweden), 75–77, 109,
11, 299, 300, 481; accomplishments of as a
monarch, 299; on “aristocratic despotism,”
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