God’s Playground. A History of Poland, Vol. 1. The Origins to 1795

(C. Jardin) #1


Maps and Diagrams xix
Illustrations xxi
Notes on the Illustrations xxiii
Chronology xxvii

I Introduction. The Origins to 1572

  1. MILLENIUM: A Thousand Years of History (Historiography) 3

  2. POLSKA: The Polish Land (Historical Geography) 23

  3. PIAST: The Polanian Dynasty (to 1370) 52

  4. ANJOU: The Hungarian Connection (1370-1386) 86

  5. JOGAILA: The Lithuanian Union (1386-1572) 93

II The Life and Death of the Polish-Lithuanian Republic


  1. ANTEMURALE: The Bulwark of Christendom (Religion) 125

  2. SZLACHTA: The Nobleman's Paradise (Society) 156

  3. HANDEL: The Baltic Grain Trade (Economy) 197

  4. MIASTO: The Vicissitudes of Urban Life (The Cities) 225

  5. ANARCHIA: The Noble Democracy (Constitution) 246

  6. SERENISSIMA: Diplomacy in Poland-Lithuania (Foreign Affairs) 284

  7. VALOIS: The French Experiment (1572-1575) 312

  8. BATHORY: The Transylvanian Victor (1576-1586) 318

  9. VASA: The Swedish Connection (1587-1668) 327

  10. MICHAL: The Austrian Candidate (1669-1673) 355

  11. SOBIESKI: Terror of the Turk (1674-1696) 357

  12. WETTIN: The Saxon Era (1697-1763) 371

  13. AGONIA: The End of the Russian Protectorate (1764-1795) 386
    Notes on the text 412
    Index 435

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