God’s Playground. A History of Poland, Vol. 2. 1795 to the Present

(Jeff_L) #1

Protestant church, two synagogues, and several Roman Catholic and Greek convents.
The town itself is small, the finest buildings being in the four suburbs (those of Halicz,
tyczakow, Cracow, and Zolkiew).
The inner town is bounded on the E. side by the Waly Gubernartorskie, and on the
W. side by the Waly Hetmanskie, with statues of Hetman JaWonowski, the defender of
the town against the Turks in 1695, and of King John III, Sobieski, by Baracz. In the Ring,
or principal Platz, which is embellished with four handsome monumental fountains,
stands the Rathaus, built in 1828-37 with itss tower 260 ft. high (good survey of the town
from the top). -The Roman Catholic Cathedral, built in the 15th cent, in the late-Gothic
style, was restored in the 18th cent, in the rococo style. The Armenian Cathedral is in the
Armenian-Byzantine style (15th cent.). In front of it rises a statue of St. Christopher. The
Dominican Church contains the monument of a Countess Dunin-Borkowska by
Thorvaldsen. The Greek Catholic Cathedral, in the basilica style, stands on a height in
the Georgs-Platz.
The handsome Polytechnic Institution in the Georgs-Platz, completed in 1877, con-
tains a large chemical - technical laboratory and is otherwise well equipped. In the
Slowacki-Str., opposite the Park, is the Hall of the Estates, built in 1877-81 from
Hochberger's design, with a painting by Matejko (the Lublin Union of 1567) in the ses-
sion-room. In the Kleparowska-Strasse rises the Invalidenhaus, with its four towers. — At
the Theatres (closed in summer), in the Skarbowska-Str, Polish plays and Polish-Italian
operas are performed (the solos generally in Italian, the chorus in Polish). Near the the-
atre, to the S., is the Industrial Museum, open on week-days 9-2, 4oh., Sun. 10-12 free;
the library on week-days 11-2, Sun. 10-1, free.
The University (about 2000 stud.) was founded in 1784 by Emp. Joseph II. Adjacent,
to the S., is the Botanic Garden. The Medical Faculty and the clinical institutions are in
the Piekarska-Strasse.
Ossolinski's National Institute in the Halicz suburb, contains a library, relating chiefly
to the literature and history of Poland, and collections of pictures, antiquities, coins etc.
(adm. daily, except Mon. 10-1 and Tues. & Fri. 3-5, free). - The Dzieduszycki Museum
contains important natural history collections and is always open to visitors on applica-
tion to the keeper.
To the S. of the town is the extensive Kilinski Park (restaurant), the favourite prome-
nade of the citizens, with a statue of Jan Kilinski (1760—1819), the Polish patriot, by
Markowski. Fine views of the town may be enjoyed from the Unionshugel and from the
top of the Franz-Josef-Berg (1310 ft.).^4

After 1867, the political scene in Galicia enjoyed a period of relative stability.
Agenor Goiuchowski continued as Viceroy until his death in 1875. Both
Ziemialkowski, who served as Minister of Galician Affairs in 1873-88, and
Smotka, who served as Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the imperial
Reichsrat from 1881 to 1893, established themselves as politicians of the first
rank. In view of the fact that both of them had been condemned to death in their
youth for treasonable activities, their elevation may be seen as a sign of chang-
ing and more peaceable times. Their appearance in Vienna coincided with the
careers of a younger generation of Galicians, who rose to prominence in the
Empire. Professor Juljan Dunajewski (182Z-1907) in the Ministry of Finance,
Kazimierz Badeni (1846-1909) as President of the Council of Ministers, and
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