God’s Playground. A History of Poland, Vol. 2. 1795 to the Present

(Jeff_L) #1


1797-1802 Polish Legions in French Service
1807-1813(-15) Duchy of Warsaw
1815 Congress Kingdom of Poland formed (suspended 1832-61,
abolished 1874)
1815 Grand Duchy of Posen formed (abolished 1846)
1815 Republic of Cracow formed (abolished 1846)
1830-1831 November Rising: Russo-Polish War: Great Emigration
1846 Galician Jacquerie: Cracow Revolution 1848
1848 Posnanian Rising: emancipation of serfs in Austria
1855 Death of Adam Mickiewicz
1861-3 Administration of Alexander Wielopolski in Congress
1863-1864 January Rising: final abolition of serfdom(1864) in
Russian Poland
1867 Galician Autonomy established (to 1918)
187Z Polish Academy of Sciences founded in Cracow
1905—1907 Revolution in Russian Poland
1914 Emergence of Pitsudski's Polish Legions (disbanded 1917)
1915 Russian occupation ended by German victory on Eastern
1916 Restoration of Kingdom of Poland by Germany
1917 President Wilson's Fourteen Points
1918 Allied Governments recognize principle of Polish
Independence (3 June)
1918-1945 PERIOD OF INDEPENDENCE (Second Republic)
1918 Joseph Pilsudski assumes power in Warsaw (n November)
1918—1921 Six border wars fought against neighbouring powers
1919 Treaty of Versailles with Germany
1920 Battle of Warsaw (13-19 August)
1921 Treaty of Riga (18 March) with Soviet Russia
March Constitution enacted (21 March)
1926 Pilsudski's Coup d'Etat(12 May): Sanacja Regime begins
1932 Pact of Non-aggression with USSR(25 July)
1934 Pact of Non-aggression with Germany (5 January)
1935 New Constitution enacted (23 March) Death of J. Pilsudski
(12 May)

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