How It Works-Amazing Vehicles

(Ann) #1


f you thought that the golden age of naval
combat came to an end 200 years ago, then
clearly somebody forgot to tell the national
navies of today. In fact, a wave of state-of-the-
art, armed-to-the-teeth battleships are
currently emerging from shipbuilding yards
with a singular aim in mind: total domination
of the seas.
From the brand-new and brutal Ty pe 45
destroyers being pushed out of British
dock yards, through to the almost sci-fi
Zumwalt-class battleships emerging in the
USA, and on to the cruising carrier vessels
sitting like small islands in Earth’s oceans,
battleships are being produced en masse and to
a more advanced spec than ever before.
Far from the basic heav y weights of bygone
centuries, required simply to go toe-to-toe with

each other in a deadly game of broadsides,
today’s warships need to take down a variet y of
threats, whether at sea, on land or in the air,
and they need to do so at extreme range. As
such, step onto a battleship today – be it a
frigate, destroyer or cor vette – and you’ll fi nd an
arsenal of insane weapons systems.
There are cannons that can fi re over
distances of 95 kilometres (60 miles) and deliver
a guided smart munition to a target with
pinpoint accuracy, as well as Gatling guns that
can automatically track a target mov ing at
hundreds of miles per hour and then fi re
explosive bullets at up to 1,100 metres (3,610 feet)
per second to take it dow n.
Missile launch systems not only increase the
vessel’s stealth but are capable of launching a
wide variet y of cit y block-levelling missiles

directly into the heart of enemy encampments
in minutes from a safe distance, while naval
guns are capable of subjecting a target to
continuous bombardment with high-explosive
shells with controlled abandon. All this is but a
taste of the weaponr y being fi tted to the most
advanced 21st-century warships.
The heav y armament of vessels currently
knows no bounds, with even coastguard fl eets,
convoy vehicles and civilian support ships
being outfi tted with some form of military-
grade offensive weaponr y. Clearly, controlling
the world’s waters is not as old-fashioned as the
history books would have us believe. In this
feature we take a look at the various t y pes of
battleship taking to the seas and the weapon
systems that are revolutionising not just naval
combat but warfare in general.

The fi repower on the latest battleships is mind-boggling. We

explore the technology transforming 21st-century naval warfare

The British Type 45 has
a displacement of 8,000
tons and can carry a
crew of around 190


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