How It Works-Book Of Dinosaurs

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Tyrannosaurus rex

(‘Tyrant lizard king’)


Cretaceous period, 67-66 MYA

Found in: Western North America

Lived in: Forests with swamps and rivers

T-rex’s huge head was
balanced by its heavy tail

Scales or feathers?
T-rex may have had feathers
on at least part of its giant
body, just like a bird

T-rex was able to live for
up to 30 years

Clawed grip
Although T-rex’s arms
were small, each with
two claws, they were
strong, able to grip
prey or push itself off
the fl oor

Dino skill

T-rex may have had the most vicious bite of any
animal to have lived, many times stronger than
lions and sharks and capable of crunching bone
and ripping apart its prey.

Tyrannosaurus rex

Killer rating: 5/
Speed: 3/
Defence: 3/

The largest T-rex skulls
ever to be found are
1.5m across, and
some of the T-rex
teeth were up to
30cm long
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