How It Works-Book Of Dinosaurs

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DID YOU KNOW? T-rex’s jaws were so powerful it could crunch bone


(‘Roof lizard’)


Late Jurassic period, 150 MYA

Found in: Europe and Eastern North America

Lived in: Forests and vegetated plains

Brain power
Stegosaurus was not a very
smart dinosaur – it had a brain
no larger than a dog’s

Slow and steady
Its short, stumpy legs
meant that Stegosaurus
could barely walk faster
than a human being

Bony plates
Stegosaurus had 17 plates
along its back

Hefty giant
Stegosaurus weighed
about 5,000kg – that’s
about half as much as a
double-decker bus

Fossilised remains
This is a bony plate from
the back of a Stegosaurus

Tail spikes
The spike at the end of a
Stegosaurus’s tail was
called a thagomiser

Dino skill

Stegosaurus had sharp 60-90cm-long
tail spikes that it could swing at an
attacker to defend itself.


Killer rating: 1/
Speed: 1/
Defence: 3/

distinctive back plates
may have been a type
of air conditioning.
Air cooled the blood
running through
the plates

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