How It Works-Book Of Dinosaurs

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Dino skill

Its teeth were arranged in a ‘fi sh trap’
at the front of its mouth to better
catch slippery fi sh, while its nostrils
were turned inward, so it could eat
and breathe at the same time while in
the water.
Killer rating: 4/
Speed: 4/
Defence: 4/


DID YOU KNOW? Separated by millions of years, T-rex and Spinosaurus would never have met


(‘Spine lizard’)


Cretaceous period, 112-97 MYA

Found in: North Africa

Lived in: Forests Spinosaurus is the largest
meat-eating animal that
has ever existed, bigger
than a T-rex. Its diet
consisted of fi
land animals sh and


Its head was the
longest of any
carnivorous dinosaur,
the size of a human
being, and was shaped
like a crocodile’s head

Grasping arms
Claws on its small
arms could grab prey

Largest carnivore
Spinosaurus was taller
than T-rex

Sail back
The giant 1.5m spine,
sometimes called its
‘sail’, could have been
used to attract mates,
control body
temperature and warn
off competitors
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