
(coco) #1



Even though the conversation surrounding women’s
rights rose to a crescendo last year with movements
such as #MeToo and #TimesUp hitting the headlines,
there’s still much to be done. Enter women the likes
of Liang-Lin, who are leading advocacy groups that
are contributing to the discourse and maintaining
momentum for every worthwhile cause—while also
juggling her responsibilities at investment research
consulting firm, Templebridge Investments. As the
head of the Singapore division of UN Women,
Liang-Lin has led her team to successfully push for
foreign domestic worker benefits, as well as
contribute to Singapore’s National Plan of Action
against Trafficking in Persons. Yet, for all her
achievements, the philanthropist has one very simple
wish for the world. “I hope that it becomes kinder
and more understanding,” she muses. “If I can
change the world that way, I’ll be very happy.”

Dress, Fendi


Managing Director of Templebridge
Investments; President of Singapore
Committee for UN Women, 48
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