16 | New Scientist | 21 March 2020
Human evolution
COMETS appear to have 10 times
less nitrogen than they ought to,
based on our understanding of how
they form, but a finding from comet
might reveal how they have been
hiding this element.
The European Space Agency’s
Rosetta spacecraft orbited 67P
between 2014 and 2016. Analysis
of the light bouncing off the comet
revealed that some compound
was absorbing light from its
surface, but researchers couldn’t
immediately identify this chemical.
Olivier Poch at the University
of Grenoble Alpes in France and his
colleagues compared the properties
of that light with that of light
bounced off artificial asteroid dust
in the lab. This contained dust
grains similar to those known to
exist on 67P, as well as various
other compounds. There was
a close match with ammonium
salts, which contain nitrogen and
hydrogen (Science, doi.org/dprs).
This could help explain where the
missing nitrogen is.
The team found similar
observations from asteroids, which
means these rocks could also have
such salts on their surfaces.
The discovery could also help
explain how some of the solar
system’s giant planets formed:
measuring how much nitrogen
they have and comparing it with
the amount in comets could reveal
if comets made up young planetary
cores, says Kathleen Mandt at Johns
Hopkins University in Maryland.
“It could be valuable information
for understanding how the ice
giants formed and how many
comets might be in there,” she says.
That would help us understand
what proportion of the early planets
were made of solids like comets and
asteroids as opposed to gas.
Ammonium salts are important to
the chemical reactions that form the
amino acids that living organisms
are made from, as well as the
building blocks of DNA, says Poch.
“There is a tantalising scenario
in which you can imagine that if
comets such as 67P fell on the
early Earth and the ammonium salts
dissolved in water, you may have
had all these prebiotic reactions
happen,” he says. If that did occur,
comets could have been important
not only to the formation of planets,
but also to the evolution of life. ❚
THE ancient human species
Australopithecus afarensis may
have been the earliest hominin
to run on two legs. Although it
had relatively short, ape-like legs,
A. afarensis may have had shared
a musculoskeletal feature with
modern humans that enables
us to run efficiently.
Conventional thinking
is that early hominins like
A. afarensis – the species to which
the famous Lucy fossil belonged –
walked on two legs long before
they could run. Lucy was an
ape-like bipedal hominin seen
by some as a likely direct ancestor
of the earliest species of human.
Some evidence places the
origin of bipedal walking more
than 10 million years ago. But
many researchers think it was
only with the appearance of the
human genus Homo, between
2 and 3 million years ago, that
hominins began to run.
Ellison McNutt at the University
of Southern California thinks
the story is more complicated
than that. Some earlier hominins
should have had some ability
to run when faced with a predator,
for instance.
McNutt looked for evidence
of running ability in A. afarensis,
because this species appeared
about 3.9 million years ago
and disappeared a million
years later, about the same
time as the first humans,
such as Homo habilis, evolved.
She and Jeremy DeSilva
at Dartmouth College in New
Hampshire focused on the
Achilles’ tendon, a band of
tissue connecting the calf
muscles to the heel.
Modern humans have a long
Achilles’ tendon that extends
more than halfway up our lower
leg. It stretches when we run to
store elastic energy that it then
releases explosively. This helps
us to use 35 per cent less energy
when running. “A long Achilles’
tendon is helpful for efficient
walking, but it is especially
critical for efficient running,”
says McNutt.
Tendons rarely fossilise. But
by studying the shape of the heel
bone in humans and 11 other
living primates, McNutt and
DeSilva discovered that the size
of one part on the rear of the
heel bone scales with the length
of the Achilles’ tendon.
When they measured two
A. afarensis heel bones, they
calculated that the species
might have had an Achilles’
tendon that extended more
than halfway up its calf, just as
we do (The Anatomical Record,
doi.org/dprh). For comparison,
chimpanzees – which can’t run
well on two legs – have an Achilles’
tendon that stretches barely
higher than the ankle.
“Currently, I think A. afarensis
is the earliest hominin for which
we have good evidence for some
of the key adaptions necessary
for modern human-like running,”
says McNutt.
But we know there were
earlier bipedal hominins, such as
Ardipithecus. McNutt says as we
learn more about these species, we
might conclude that even earlier
hominins were also born to run. ❚
“ Nitrogen-rich comets could
have made up planetary
cores and may help explain
how giant planets formed”
Solar system
Heel bones suggest that
Australopithecus afarensis
could have run if necessary
Colin Barras
P.^ P
.^ D
E^ P
The running efficiency gained due
to the human Achilles’ tendon
When our ancestors started to run
Hominins may have begun running a million years before we thought
Comet 67P’s hidden
nitrogen may solve a
solar system puzzle
Leah Crane