New Scientist Int 21.03.2020

(Barré) #1
21 March 2020 | New Scientist | 25


EOPLE are keener than
ever to make ethical,
environmentally friendly
food purchases. But a spate of bad
press about the environmental
impact of organic produce may
leave some people scratching
their heads.
The debate about this is
contentious. Critics say organic
farming is less efficient than
conventional farming, and so
uses more land, leading to greater
deforestation, which causes
higher carbon dioxide emissions
and biodiversity loss. A recent
paper followed this logic to find
that going 100 per cent organic in
England and Wales would raise
these emissions by up to 56 per
JOScent. The claim made headlines.





Christel Cederberg is at Chalmers
University of Technology, Sweden, and
Hayo van der Werf is at INRAE, France


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But the findings from this study
and similar ones are too simplistic
and ignore important positive
aspects of organic farming. We
have analysed such studies and
found that the method they often
use doesn’t give the full picture.
Known as a life cycle assessment
(LCA), this approach simply relates
environmental impacts to the
amount of product harvested from
a given area of land. Looked at this
way, intensive farming is often
more efficient, since its yields are
higher. But this doesn’t properly
address all environmental aspects.
Such assessments fail to
fully account for the role of
land degradation, biodiversity
decline and pesticide impacts
of intensive agriculture.

Consider biodiversity, for
example. The variety of life on
Earth is an incredibly important
factor in the health and resilience
of ecosystems. But worldwide,
it is in decline – insect and bird
populations are being decimated,
something that has been
repeatedly linked to the damaging
practices of intensive farming.
Organically managed land,
however, has been shown to
support biodiversity levels
around 30 per cent higher than
conventionally farmed fields.
It might be argued that the
land saved through conventional
farming could be reserved for
biodiversity and CO2 absorption.
But the relationship between
agricultural intensification and

reduced deforestation is unclear.
In Brazil, for example, agricultural
intensification has coincided with
more deforestation.
Widespread use of pesticides
is also a concern – between 1990
and 2015, global pesticide use
has increased more than 70 per
cent. Pesticide residues can be
harmful to land and aquatic
ecosystems, as well as our health.
The avoidance of synthetic
pesticides in organic farming, and
the overall much lower levels of
pesticide use in general, is a factor
that is often overlooked in LCAs. In
the 34 studies comparing organic
with conventional agriculture
that we reviewed, only nine looked
at pesticide-related impacts.
The debate around the
environmental impact of organic
farming has become too simplistic
and narrow. Our review, published
in Nature Sustainability, shows
that organic farming’s strengths
and environmental benefits are
often overlooked by the current
research, and simply claiming that
organic farming is worse for the
environment is misleading.
The current use of LCAs needs to
be improved and integrated with
other environmental assessment
tools. Only then will consumers
get a more balanced picture. ❚

In defence of organic food

Claims that organic farming is worse for the environment are too
simplistic, say Christel Cederberg and Hayo van der Werf
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