Gödel, Escher, Bach An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter

(Dana P.) #1
FIGURE 23. Convex and Concave, by M. C. Escher (lithograph, 1955).

Achilles: That's an exceedingly strange taste.
Tortoise: One gets used to it.
Achilles: Does taking the tonic feel this strange?
Tortoise: Oh, that's quite another sensation. Whenever
you taste the tonic, you feel a deep sense of satisfac-
tion, as if you'd been waiting to taste it all your life.
Achilles: Oh, I'm looking forward to that.
Tortoise: Well, Achilles, where are we?
Achilles (taking cognizance of his surroundings): We're in a
little gondola, gliding down a canal! I want to get
out. Mr.Gondolier, please let us out here.
(The gondolier pays no attention to this request.)
Tortoise: He doesn't speak English. If we want to get out
here, we'd better just clamber out quickly before he

Little Harmonic Labyrinth^107

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