Gödel, Escher, Bach An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter

(Dana P.) #1
FIGURE 24. Reptiles, by M. C. Escher (lithograph, 1943).

Achilles: Well, YOU can read it if you want, but as for me,
I'm not going to take any chances with that
popping-tonie-one of the lizards might knock it
off the table, so I'm going to get it right now!
(He dashes over to the table and reaches for the
popping-tonic, but in his haste he somehow bumps the
flask of tonic, and it tumbles off the desk and begins
Oh, no! Mr. T -look! I accidentally knocked the
tonic onto the floor, and it's rolling towards-
towards-the stairwell! Quick-before it falls!
(The Tortoise, however, is completely wrapped up in
the thin volume which he has in his hands.)

Little Harmonic Labyrinth 117

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