Gödel, Escher, Bach An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter

(Dana P.) #1


The Propositional Calculus

Words and Symbols

THE PRECEDING DIALOGUE is reminiscent of the Two-Part Invention by
Lewis Carroll. In both, the Tortoise refuses to use normal, ordinary words
in the normal, ordinary way-or at least he refuses to do so when it is not to
his advantage to do so. A way to think about the Carroll paradox was given
last Chapter. In this Chapter we are going to make symbols do what
Achilles couldn't make the Tortoise do with his words. That is, we are going
to make a formal system one of whose symbols will do just what Achilles
wished the word 'and' would do, when spoken by the Tortoise, and another
of whose symbols will behave the way the word's 'if ... then .. .' ought to
behave. There are only two other words which we will attempt to deal with:
'or' and 'not'. Reasoning which depends only on correct usage of these four
words is termed propositional reasoning.

Alphabet and First Rule of the Propositional Calculus

I will present this new formal system, called the Propositional Calculus, a little
like a puzzle, not explaining everything at once, but letting you figure
things out to some extent. We begin with the list of symbols:


< >



The first rule of this system that I will reveal is the following:

RULE OF JOINING: If x and yare theorems of the system, then so is the
string < x/\ y >.

This rule takes two theorems and combines them into one. It should
remind you of the Dialogue.

Well-Formed Strings

There will be several other rules of inference, and they will all be presented
shortly-but fi.rst, it is important to define a subset of all strings, namely the

The Propositional Calculus^181

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