Gödel, Escher, Bach An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter

(Dana P.) #1


Typographical Number Theory

The Crab Canon and Indirect Self-Reference

THREE EXAMPLES OF indirect self-reference are found in the Crab Canon.
Achilles and the Tortoise both describe artistic creations they know-and,
quite accidentally, those creations happen to have the same structure as the
Dialogue they're in. (Imagine my surprise, when I, the author, noticed
this!) Also, the Crab describes a biological structure and that, too, has the
same property. Of course, one could read the Dialogue and understand it
and somehow fail to notice that it, too, has the form of a crab canon. This
would be understanding it on one level, but not on another. To see the
self-reference, one has to look at the form, as well as the content, of the
Godel's construction depends on describing the form, as well as the
content, of strings of the formal system we shall define in this Chapter-
Typographical Number Theory (TNT). The unexpected twist is that, because
of the subtle mapping which Codel discovered, the form of strings can be
described in the formal system itself. Let us acquaint ourselves with this
strange system with the capacity for wrapping around.

What We Want to Be Able to Express in TNT

We'll begin by citing some typical sentences belonging to number theory;
then we will try to find a set of basic notions in terms of which all our
sentences can be rephrased. Those notions will then be given individual
symbols. Incidentally, it should be stated at the outset that the term
"number theory" will refer only to properties of positive integers and zero
(and sets of such integers). These numbers are called the natural numbers.
Negative numbers play no role in this theory. Thus the word "number",
when used, will mean exclusively a natural number. And it is important-
vital-for you to keep separate in your mind the formal system (TNT) and
the rather ill-defined but comfortable old branch of mathematics that is
number theory itself; this I shall call "N".
Some typical sentences of N-number theory-are:



5 is prime.
2 is not a square.
1729 is a sum of two cubes.
No sum of two positive cubes is itself a cube.
There are infinitely many prime numbers.
6 is even.

Typographical Number Theory
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