Gödel, Escher, Bach An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter

(Dana P.) #1
3e:SSSSSSO = (SSO· e)

Now these three translations of "6 is even" are quite different strings, and it
is by no means obvious that theoremhood of anyone of them is tied to
theoremhood of any of the others. (Similarly, the fact that --p -q ---was
a theorem had very little to do with the fact that its "equivalent" string
-p--q---was a theorem. The equivalence lies in our minds, since, as
humans, we almost automatically think about interpretations, not struc-
tural properties of formulas.)
We can dispense with sentence 2: "2 is not a square", almost im-

  • 3b:(b. b) =SSO

However, once again, we find an ambiguity. What if we had chosen to write
it this way?

Vb:-(b· b) =SSO

The first way says, "It is not the case that there exists a number b with the
property that b's square is 2", while the second way says, "For all numbers
b, it is not the case that b's square is 2." Once again, to us, they are
conceptually equivalent-but to TNT, they are distinct strings.
Let us proceed to sentence 3: "1729 is a sum of two cubes." This one
will involve two existential quantifiers, one after the other, as follows:

3b:3c:SSSSSS ..... SSSSSO=(((b· b) ·b)+((c· c) ·c))


1729 of them

There are alternatives galore. Reverse the order of the quantifiers; switch
the sides of the equation; change the variables to d and e; reverse the
addition; write the multiplications differently; etc., etc. However, I prefer
the following two translations of the sentence:

((SSSSSSSSSO ·SSSSSSSSSO). SSSSSSSSSO))=(((b. b)· b)+((c ·c) ·c))
((SO ·SO)· SO)) =(((b· b). b) +(( c· c)· c))

Do you see why?

Tricks of the Trade

Now let us tackle the related sentence 4: "No sum of two positive cubes is
itself a cube". Suppose that we wished merely to state that 7 is not a sum of
two positive cubes. The easiest way to do this is by negating the formula

210 Typographical Number Theory

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