Gödel, Escher, Bach An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter

(Dana P.) #1
You may recognize Peano's fifth postulate as the principle of mathe-
matical induction-another term for a hereditary argument. Peano hoped
that his five restrictions on the concepts "Genie", "djinn", and "meta" were
so strong that if two different people formed images in their minds of the
concepts, the two images would have completely isomorphic structures. For
example, everybody's image would include an infinite number of distinct
djinns. And presumably everybody would agree that no djinn coincides
with its own meta, or its meta's meta, etc.
Peano hoped to have pinned down the essence of natural numbers in
his five postulates. Mathematicians generally grant that he succeeded, but
that does not lessen the importance of the question, "How is a true state-
ment about natural numbers to be distinguished from a false one?" And to
answer this question, mathematicians turned to totally formal systems, such
as TNT. However, you will see the influence of Pea no in TNT, because all
of his postulates are incorporated in TNT in one way or another.

New Rules of TNT: Specification and Generalization

Now we come to the new rules of TNT. Many of these rules will allow us to
reach in and change the internal structure of the atoms of TNT. In that
sense they deal with more "microscopic" properties of strings than the rules
of the Propositional Calculus, which treat atoms as indivisible units. For
example, it would be nice if we could extract the string -50=0 from the
first axiom. To do this we would need a rule which permits us to drop a
universal quantifier, and at the same time to change the internal structure
of the string which remains, if we wish. Here is such a rule:

RULE OF SPECIFICATION: Suppose u is a variable which occurs inside the
string x. If the string Vu: x is a theorem, then so is x, and so are any
strings made from x by replacing u, wherever it occurs, by one and
the same term.
(Restriction: The term which replaces u must not contain any variable
that is quantified in x.)

The rule of specification allows the desired string to be extracted from
Axiom 1. It is a one-step derivation:



Notice that the rule of specification will allow some formulas which contain
free variables (i.e., open formulas) to become theorems. For example, the
following strings could also be derived from Axiom 1, by specification:


There is another rule, the rule of generalization, which allows us to put

Typographical Number Theory^217

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