Gödel, Escher, Bach An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter

(Dana P.) #1

List of Illustrations

Cover: A "GEB" and an "EGB" trip-let suspended in space, casting their
symbolic shadows on three planes that meet at the corner of a room.
("Trip-let" is the name which I have given to blocks shaped in such a way
that their shadows in three orthogonal directions are three different
letters. The trip-let idea came to me in a flash one evening as I was trying
to think how best to symbolize the unity of G6del, Escher, and Bach by
somehow fusing their names in a striking design. The two trip-lets shown
on the cover were designed and made by me, using mainly a band saw,
with an end mill for the holes; they are redwood, and are just under 4
inches on a side.)
Facing Words of Thanks: The beginning of Genesis, in ancient Hebrew. xviii

Part I: The "GEB" trip-let casting its three orthogonal shadows.

  1. Johann Sebastian Bach, by Elias Gottlieb Haussmann. 2

  2. Flute Concert in Sanssouci, by Adolph von Menze!. 5

  3. The Royal Theme. 6

  4. Bach's acrostic on 'RICERCAR'. 7

  5. Waterfall, by M. C. Escher. 11

  6. Ascending and Descending, by M. C. Escher. 12

  7. Hand with Reflecting Globe, by M. C. Escher. 13

  8. Metamorphosis II, by M. C. Escher.^14

  9. Kurt COde!. 16

  10. Mobius Strip I, by M. C. Escher. 30

  11. "Tree" of all theorems of the MIll-system. 40

  12. Sky Castle, by M. C. Escher. 42

  13. Liberation, by M. C. Escher. 57

  14. Mosaic II, by M. C. Escher. 61

  15. "MAIL BOX". 67
    16 Tiling of the plane using birds, by M. C. Escher. 68

  16. FIGURE-FIGURE Figure, by Scott E. Kim. 69

  17. Diagram of the relationships between various classes of TNT
    strings. 71

  18. The last page of Bach's Art of the Fugue. 80
    20; Visual rendition of the principle underlying G6del's Theorem. 84

  19. Tower of Babel, by M. C. Escher. 89

  20. Relativity, by M. C. Escher. 98

  21. Convex and Concave, by M. C. Escher. 107

  22. Reptiles, by M. C. Escher. 117

XlV Illustrations
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