EUSA Magazine 2019-20

(eusaunisport) #1

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Participants were first
welcomed by EUSA President
Mr Adam Roczek and on behalf
of the hosts by FADU President
Mr Daniel Monteiro.

A special welcome address was
given by the President of the
International University Sports
Federation (FISU) Mr Oleg
Matytsin, who praised EUSA on
their many achievements and
congratulated the organisation
at the occasion of the 20th

The audience was
also addressed by the
representatives of other partner
organisations: on behalf of
the Asian University Sport
Federation (AUSF) its Vice-
Secretary Mr Zhen Shen, on
behalf of the European Fair Play
Movement (EFPM) its President
Mr Christian Hinterberger and

on behalf of the European
Non-Governmental Sports
Organisation (ENGSO) its
President Mr Stefan Bergh.

The Assembly was chaired
by EUSA Executive member
Mr Bruno Barracosa who led
proceedings while steering
members and guests through
the agenda.

EUSA members confirmed
the proposal to update the
organisation’s Statutes and
Internal Regulations, in order
to increase representation and
stability, as well as ensure and
promote participation of both
genders within EUSA governing
bodies, clearly define the rights
and duties of the members and
strengthen the legal frame of
EUSA operations. The Assembly
also approved the proposal on
honorary distinction.

Due to the resignation of an
Executive Committee member,
an election for a substitute
Executive Committee Member
took place, with Mr Jorg Forster
from Germany elected as
Executive Committee member
for the current mandate.

The event concluded with the
presentation of the next regular
General Assembly which will
be held in October 2020. The
newly-elected President of
the Armenian Student Sports
Federation (ARMSSF) Mr
Hovhannes Gabrielyan invited
everyone to Yerevan for the
electoral General Assembly,
taking place in October 2020.
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