EUSA Magazine 2019-20

(eusaunisport) #1

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management, and the need to
create a positive working culture
in the organising committee.

Mr Jorg Forster presented the
role of the EUSA Technical
Delegates and emphasised the
need for open communication
with all involved stakeholders.

To finish the first day, a Panel
Discussion was organised,
moderated by Mr Smith. Guests
Mr Carney, Mr Forster, Mr Aliti
and Ms Todoric touched on
many relevant topics such as
volunteer management and how
to engage the local community
in the event.

The audience was also able
to take part in the discussion,
raising various questions ranging
from ensuring participation to
the future of sport.

On the second day of the
event, the EUSA technical
delegates and representatives
from Serbia’s National and
Regional Sport Federations
had the opportunity to visit

the respective proposed sport

The technical delegates had a
chance to share their evaluation
of the sport venues, including
the renovations that were
needed to improve certain
venues so that they were in line
with EUSA standards.

The Convention was part of
the knowledge sharing process
within the Supporting Mobility
and Good Practice Exchange in
University Sport, supported by
the European Union.
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