The Scientist November 2018

(singke) #1






, 8:901, 2018


ools that use light, drugs, or tem-
perature to make neurons fire or
rest on command have become a
mainstay in neuroscience. Thermogenet-
ics, which enables neurons to respond to
temperature shifts, first took off with fruit
flies about a decade ago, but is emerging as
a new trick to manipulate the neural func-
tioning of other model organisms. That’s
due to some advantages it affords over
optogenetics—the light-based technique
that started it all.
Genetic toolkits such as thermogenetics
and optogenetics follow a basic recipe: sci-
entists pick a receptor that responds to an
external cue such as temperature or light,
express the receptor in specific neurons as a
switch that changes the cell’s voltage—trig-
gering or inhibiting firing—and then use
the cue to turn the neural switch on or off.
Optogenetics revolutionized our
understanding of how the brain’s wir-
ing affects animal behavior. But it comes
with drawbacks. For one, delivering light
into the deepest regions of the brains of
nontransparent animals is a challenge.
In mice, this requires surgically insert-
ing optical fibers into the brain, tethering
the animal to the light source. Research-
ers working with adult fruit flies can cut
a window through the head cuticle to
access the brain. In both cases, the neces-
sary experimental setups are invasive and
often time and effort intensive.
Additionally, the light intensity
required for optogenetics tends to damage
tissue. “ Yo u pump a lot of light through
the optical fiber to activate neurons,” says
Vsevolod Belousov, a biochemist at the
Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow
who develops thermogenetic tools. “In
general, this is not avoidable.”
Thermogenetics allows neuroscien-
tists to sidestep these issues by harness-
ing proteins that respond to changes in
temperature with stronger levels of acti-

vation than light-triggered switches, with
less-invasive stimulus delivery. Unlike the
light receptors of optogenetics, however,
most of the thermoreceptors currently in
use only allow researchers to turn neurons
on, but not off; and their use in rodents is
still evolving.
Here, The Scientist lays out the current
state of the thermogenetic toolbox for dif-
ferent model organisms.

Thermogenetics owes its humble begin-
nings to Drosophila research and is by far
most developed for use in fruit flies. In the
early 2000s, Toshihiro Kitamoto first used
a mutated form of a protein called shibire
to shut down synaptic communication in
specific fly neurons at temperatures above
29° C. Shibire is an enzyme in the dyna-
min superfamily, which is involved in ves-
icle formation; its mutant version inhibits
chemical transmission in a wide range of
neurons within a few minutes of a temper-
ature hike. But because dynamins affect
many cellular processes, the use of shibire
can have far-reaching, nonspecific effects.
Another class of proteins called thermo-
TRPs is more suitable for thermogenet-
ics. ThermoTRPs are cation channels of
the transient receptor potential family
that normally mediates temperature pref-

erences, both in the brain and elsewhere
in the body. These channels respond dra-
matically to temperature shifts as small as
1°–2° C. The Drosophila TrpA1, for exam-
ple, turns on slightly above 25° C, and the
rat TRPM8 turns on just below 25° C.
When scientists first expressed
TrpA1 in the motor neurons of fruit flies,
they found that heating up the cells par-
alyzed the animals. “We got warm water
and started dunking them in and that
just made them pass out,” says Paul Gar-
rity, a biologist at Brandeis University
who pioneered the use of thermoTRPs.
“It was like a magic trick.”
TRP channels also conduct ions
very efficiently, says Belousov—at about
1,000-fold higher flux than the ion chan-
nels used in optogenetics. This means
that thermoTRPs can drive robust acti-
vation at low expression levels, reducing
toxic effects of overexpressing proteins.
Fruit fly researchers have yet another
option: Gr28bD, a gustatory receptor that
was recently found to respond to heat in

Thermogenetics brings neural circuits into focus.


Temperature as Tool

ventral nerve cord motor neurons expressing the
gustatory thermoreceptor Gr28bD (left); in gray
is a 3D reconstruction of the motor neurons, in
green is neural activity in response to heat, with
the green trace showing calcium currents in a
single neuron (right).
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