The Scientist November 2018

(singke) #1


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(Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) for THE SCIENTIST (ISSN 00890-3670) Filed on September 30, 2018, published monthly (except July/August which is a
bimonthly) at 415 Madison Ave, 15th fl oor, New York, NY 10017-1111. The number of issues published annually is 11. The annual individual subscription price is
$39.95. The general business o ces of the publisher are PO Box 216, 478 Bay Street, Midland, ON, Canada, L4R 1K9. The name and address of the Publisher is
Robert S. D’Angelo, LabX Media Group, 415 Madison Ave, 15th fl oor, New York, NY 10017-1111. The name and address of the Editor is Robert Grant, LabX Media
Group, 415 Madison Ave, 15th fl oor, New York, NY 10017 -1111. THE SCIENTIST is owned by LabX Media Group/Bob Kafato, PO Box 216, 478 Bay Street, Midland,
ON, Canada, L4R 1K9. The known bondholders, mortgagers and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of the total amount of bonds,
mortgages, or other securities are none. Publication Title: THE SCIENTIST. The issue date for circulation data below (actual): September 2018. The average
number of copies of each issue during the preceding 12 months are: (A) Total number of copies printed: 40,246. (B1) Paid/Requested outside-county mail
subscriptions stated on form 3541: 36,025. (B2) Paid in-county subscriptions stated on form 3541: none. (B3) Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors,
counter sales, and other non-USPS paid distribution: none. (B4) Other classes mailed through the USPS: none. (C) Total paid and/or requested circulation:
36,025. (D1) Outside county nonrequested copies stated on PS form 3541: 3,592. (D2) In-county nonrequested copies stated on PS Form 3541: none. (D3)
Nonrequested copies Distributed thought the USPS: none. (D4) Nonrequested distribution outside the mail: 211. (E) Total nonrequested distribution: 3,803. (F)
Total distribution: 39,828. (G) Copies not distributed: 4 1 7. (H) Total: 40,246. (I) Percent paid and/or requested circulation: 90.5%. The actual number of copies
of single issue published nearest to fi ling date are: (A) Total number of copies printed 39,536. (B1) Paid/Requested outside-county mail subscriptions stated on
form 3541: 36,709. (B2) Paid in-county subscriptions stated on form 3541: none. (B3) Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, counter sales, and other
non-USPS paid distribution: none. (B4) Other classes mailed through the USPS: none. (C) Total paid and/or requested circulation: 36,709. (D1) Outside county
nonrequested copies stated on US Form 3541: 2,403. (D2) In-county nonrequested copies stated on PS Form 3541: none. (D3) Nonrequested copies Distributed
thought the USPS: none. (D4) Nonrequested distribution outside the mail: 50 (E) Total nonrequested distribution: 2,453. (F) Total distribution: 39,162. (G) Copies
not distributed: 3 74. (H) Total: 39,536. (I) Percent paid and/or requested circulation: 93.7%. Electronic Copy Circulation. The average number of copies of each
issue during the preceding 12 months are: (A) Requested and paid electronic copies: 17,468. (B) Total requested and paid print copies + requested/paid electronic
copies: 53,493. (C) Total requested copy distribution + requested/paid electronic copies: 57,296. (D) Percent paid and/or requested circulation (both print &
electronic copies): 93.4%. The actual number of copies of single issue published nearest to fi ling date are: (A) Requested and paid electronic copies: 17,814.
(B) Total requested and paid print copies + requested/paid electronic copies: 54,523. (C) Total requested copy distribution + requested/paid electronic copies:
56,976. (D) Percent paid and/or requested circulation (both print & electronic copies): 95.7%. I certify that all information on this statement is true and complete:
Robert S, D’Angelo, Publisher September 30, 2018.
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