A Critical Introduction to Psychology

(Tuis.) #1

In: A Critical Introduction to Psychology ISBN: 978-1-53616-491-6
Editor: Robert K. Beshara © 2019 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 12


Timothy J. Beck1, and Jacob W. Glazier2,†

(^1) School of Liberal Studies and the Arts,

Landmark College, Putney, VT, US

(^2) Department of Positive Human Development and Social Change,

Life University, Marietta, GA, US

Most introduction to psychology textbooks include a chapter or section
on Abnormal Psychology. Typically, this will be framed as a sub-discipline
of psychology that focuses on the study and treatment of human behaviors
that have been deemed abnormal through clinical research and practices.
At the very basis of abnormal psychology is thus the assumption that some
patterns of thoughts and behaviors are more socially acceptable, even
desirable, than others. This is certainly not a new notion, as throughout
human history and across all cultures there have been customs and norms
distinguishing behaviors that are appropriate from those that are not. What
makes this unique in the context of abnormal psychology, however, is the
way such distinctions are determined almost exclusively on the basis of

 Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected].
† Author’s Email: [email protected].

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