Invitation to Psychology

(Barry) #1

126 Chapter 4 Neurons, Hormones, and the Brain

decreases. Inhibition in the nervous system is vi-
tal. Without it, we could not sleep or coordinate
our movements. Excitation of the nervous system
would be overwhelming, producing convulsions.
What any given neuron does at any given mo-
ment depends on the net effect of all the messages
being received from other neurons. Only when
the cell’s voltage reaches a certain threshold will it
fire. Thousands of messages, both excitatory and
inhibitory, may be coming into the cell, and the re-
ceiving neuron must essentially average them. The
message that reaches a final destination depends
on the rate at which individual neurons are firing,
how many are firing, what types of neurons are fir-
ing, where the neurons are located, and the degree
of synchrony among different neurons. It does not
depend on how strongly the individual neurons are
firing, however, because a neuron always either fires
or doesn’t. Like the turning on of a light switch, the
firing of a neuron is an all-or-none event.
Watch the Video The Basics: How the Brain
Works, Part 1 at mypsychlab

Chemical Messengers in the
Nervous System Lo 4.6, Lo 4.7
The nervous system “house” would remain for-
ever dark and lifeless without chemical couriers
to carry messages from room to room. These
chemicals include neurotransmitters, hormones,
and neuromodulators.

Neurotransmitters: Versatile Couriers. As
we have seen, neurotransmitters make it pos-
sible for one neuron to excite or inhibit another.
Neurotransmitters exist not only in the brain but
also in the spinal cord, the peripheral nerves, and
certain glands. Through their effects on specific
nerve circuits, these substances control everything
your brain does. The nature of the effect depends
on the level of the neurotransmitter, its location,
and the type of receptor it binds with. Here we
will describe just a few of the better-understood
neurotransmitters and some of their known or
suspected effects.
Four neurotransmitters travel particular paths
through parts of the brain, like buses following a
• Serotonin affects neurons involved in sleep,
appetite, sensory perception, temperature regu-
lation, pain suppression, and mood.
• Dopamine affects neurons involved in volun-
tary movement, learning, memory, emotion,
pleasure and reward, and, possibly response to

breaks (nodes) between the myelin’s “sausages.”
Instead, the action potential “hops” from one node
to the next. (More precisely, the action potential
regenerates at each node.) This arrangement al-
lows the impulse to travel faster than it could if
the action potential had to be regenerated at every
point along the axon. Nerve impulses travel more
slowly in babies than in older children and adults
because when babies are born, the myelin sheaths
on their axons are not yet fully developed.
When a neural impulse reaches the axon
terminal’s buttonlike tip, it must get its mes-
sage across the synaptic cleft to another cell. At
this point, synaptic vesicles, tiny sacs in the tip of
the axon terminal, open and release a few thou-
sand molecules of a chemical substance called a
neurotransmitter. Like sailors carrying a message
from one island to another, these molecules then
diffuse across the synaptic cleft (see Figure 4.5).
When they reach the other side, the neu-
rotransmitter molecules bind briefly with receptor
sites, special molecules in the membrane of the
receiving neuron’s dendrites (or sometimes cell
body), fitting these sites much as a key fits a lock.
Electrical changes occur in the receiving neuron’s
membrane, and the ultimate effect is either an
excitatory effect (a voltage shift in a positive direc-
tion) or an inhibitory effect (a voltage shift in a
negative direction), depending on which receptor
sites have been activated. If the effect is excitatory,
the probability that the receiving neuron will
fire increases; if it is inhibitory, the probability

neurotransmitter A
chemical substance that
is released by a trans-
mitting neuron at the
synapse and that alters
the activity of a receiving

Neural impulse

Axon terminal




Synaptic vesicles
(with neurotrans-
mitter molecules


Figure 4.5 Neurotransmitter Crossing a Synapse
Neurotransmitter molecules are released into the syn-
aptic cleft between two neurons from vesicles (cham-
bers) in the transmitting neuron’s axon terminal. The
molecules then bind to receptor sites on the receiving
neuron. As a result, the electrical state of the receiving
neuron changes and the neuron becomes either more
likely to fire an impulse or less so, depending on the type
of neurotransmitter.
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