Invitation to Psychology

(Barry) #1

210 Chapter 6 Sensation and Perception

Some animals have a sense of smell that makes
humans seem impaired by comparison. At airports,
dogs detect drugs, bombs, and contraband food
in people’s luggage; in clinics, they detect cancer
simply by sniffing a person’s breath (Sonoda et al.,
2011). In Africa, rats are helping to detect undi-
agnosed tuberculosis (Mgode et al., 2012). Such
olfactory talents evolved because smell is essential
to these animals’ survival. Although smell is less
vital for human survival, we, too, need it in daily
life. We sniff out danger by smelling smoke, rotten
food, and gas leaks, so a deficit in the sense of smell
is nothing to turn up your nose at. Such a loss can
result from infection, disease, injury to the olfac-
tory nerve, or smoking. A person who has smoked
two packs a day for 10 years must abstain from cig-
arettes for 10 more years before the sense of smell
returns to normal (Frye, Schwartz, & Doty, 1990).
Odors, of course, have psychological effects on
us, which is why we buy perfumes and sniff flowers.
Perhaps because olfactory centers in the brain are
linked to areas that process memories and emo-
tions, specific smells often evoke vivid, emotionally
colored memories (Herz & Cupchik, 1995; Vroon,
1997). The smell of hot chocolate may trigger
fond memories of cozy winter mornings from your
childhood; the smell of rubbing alcohol may remind
you of an unpleasant trip to the hospital. Odors can
also influence people’s everyday behavior, which is
why shopping malls and hotels often install aroma
diffusers in hopes of putting you in a good mood.
Watch the Video Thinking Like a Psychologist:
Can Smells Alter Mood and Behavior?
at MyPsychLab

Smell: The Sense of Scents Lo 6.21
The great author and educator Helen Keller, who
became blind and deaf as a toddler, once called
smell “the fallen angel of the senses.” Yet our sense
of smell, or olfaction, although seemingly crude
when compared to a bloodhound’s, is actually
quite good; the human nose can detect aromas
that sophisticated machines fail to detect.
The receptors for smell are specialized neurons
embedded in a tiny patch of mucous membrane in
the upper part of the nasal passage, just beneath the
eyes (see Figure 6.11). Millions of receptors in each
nasal cavity respond to chemical molecules (vapors)
in the air. When you inhale, you pull these mol-
ecules into the nasal cavity, but they can also enter
from the mouth, wafting up the throat like smoke
up a chimney. These molecules trigger responses in
the receptors that combine to yield the yeasty smell
of freshly baked bread or the spicy smell of a curry.
Signals from the receptors are carried to the brain’s
olfactory bulb by the olfactory nerve, which is made
up of the receptors’ axons. From the olfactory bulb,
they travel to a higher region of the brain.
Figuring out the neural code for smell has been
a real challenge. Of the 10,000 or so smells we de-
tect (rotten, burned, musky, fruity, fishy, spicy, and
so on), none seems to be more basic than any other.
Moreover, roughly 1,000 kinds of receptors exist,
each kind responding to a part of an odor molecule’s
structure (Axel, 1995; Buck & Axel, 1991). Distinct
odors activate unique combinations of receptors,
and signals from different types of receptors are
combined in individual neurons in the brain.

Olfactory tract

Olfactory bulb

Olfactory tract Olfactory bulb

Olfactory receptor

To cerebral cortex

Olfactory hairs


nerve ber


Figure 6.11 receptors for Smell
Airborne chemical molecules (vapors) enter the nose and circulate through the nasal cavity, where the smell receptors
are located. The receptors’ axons make up the olfactory nerve, which carries signals to the brain. When you sniff, you
draw more vapors into the nose and speed their circulation. Vapors can also reach the nasal cavity through the mouth
by way of a passageway from the throat.
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