Invitation to Psychology

(Barry) #1

12 Chapter 1 What Is Psychology?

opinion surveys. They run suicide-prevention hot-
lines. They advise zoos on the care and training of
animals. They help coaches improve the athletic
performances of their teams. And those are just
for starters. Is it any wonder that people are often
a little fuzzy about what a psychologist is?

ethnic tensions and resolve international conflicts.
They advise commissions on how pollution and
noise affect mental health. They do rehabilitation
training for people who are physically or men-
tally disabled. They educate judges and juries
about eyewitness testimony. They conduct public

Psychological researchers and practitioners work in all sorts of settings, from classrooms to courtrooms. On the left, a
police psychologist talks to a man threatening to jump from his hotel window. The psychologist succeeded in preventing
the man’s suicide. On the right, a researcher studies a dolphin’s ability to understand an artificial language consisting of
hand signals.

Recite & Review

Recite: Say aloud everything you can recall about the main settings in which psychologists work;
basic and applied research; psychological practice; counseling, school, and clinical psychologists;
and the terms psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, and psychiatrist.
Review: Next, go back and reread this section.

Fortunately, you aren’t fuzzy about what a student is—so now try this Quick Quiz:

Can you match the specialties on the left with their defining credentials and approaches on
the right?

  1. psychotherapist

  2. psychiatrist

  3. clinical psychologist

  4. research psychologist

  5. psychoanalyst

Study and Review at mypsychlab

a. Trained in a therapeutic approach started by Freud
b. Has a Ph.D., Psy.D., or Ed.D. and does research on, or
psychotherapy for, mental health problems
c. May have any credential, or none
d. Has an advanced degree (usually a Ph.D.) and does
applied or basic research
e. Has an M.D.; tends to take a medical approach to
Answers:^ emotional problems
a 5. d4. b3. e2. c1.
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