Invitation to Psychology

(Barry) #1
Chapter 2 Theories of Personality 75

Taking Psychology With You

•   Critical thinkers can learn to avoid the “Barnum effect”—being
a sucker for fake inventories, horoscopes, handwriting analysis,
and other pseudoscientific “tests” of personality.

Psychology in the News, Revisited

• Genetic influences, life experiences and learned habits, cultural
norms, unconscious fears and conflicts, and our private, inner
sense of self all combine in complex ways to create our complex,
distinctive personalities.

personality 43
traits 43
Sigmund Freud 44
psychoanalysis 44
psychodynamic theories 44
id 44
libido 44
ego 44
superego 44
defense mechanisms 45
repression 45
projection 45
displacement and
sublimation 45
regression 45
denial 45

psychosexual stages (oral,
anal, phallic, latency,
genital) 45
Oedipus complex 46
Clara Thompson and Karen
Horney 47
Carl Jung 47
collective unconscious 47
archetypes 47
shadow 48
object-relations school 48
illusion of causality 49
objective tests
(inventories) 51
Gordon Allport 52
central trait 52

secondary trait 52
Raymond B. Cattell 52
factor analysis 52
the Big Five personality
factors 52
genes 55
epigenetics 55
temperaments 56
heritability 57
behavioral genetics 57
social-cognitive learning
theory of personality 60
reciprocal determinism 60
nonshared environment 61
culture 64
individualist cultures 64

collectivist cultures 64
culture of honor 67
life narratives 69
humanist psychology 69
Abraham Maslow 69
peak experiences 69
self-actualization 69
Carl Rogers 70
congruence 70
unconditional positive
regard 70
Rollo May 70
existentialism 70
positive psychology 70

Key Terms

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