ften, when I am deeply relaxed,
a strong feeling to die comes
up in me. In these moments I feel
myself as part of the whole cosmos
and I want to disappear into It.
One basic thing about suicide is
that it arises in people who are clinging
to life. And when they fail in their
clinging, the mind moves to the
opposite pole. The mind wants the
whole or none of it. Lust for life cannot
be fulfilled totally, because life is
temporal; it is bound to end at a point,
just as it began one day at a point.
You cannot have a line with only a
beginning, somewhere or the other
there is bound to be an end.
So those who commit suicide are
not against life; it only appears so. They
want life in its totality, they want to grab
it whole, and when they fail and they
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are bound to fail-then out of frustration,
out of failure, they start thinking of
death. Then suicide is the only
alternative. They will not be satisfied
with whatsoever life gives them; they
want more, more and more.
Life is short, and the series of
desires for more and more is infinite,
so failure is certain. Somewhere or the
other, there is bound to come a
moment when they will feel cheated
by life. But nobody is cheating them-
they have cheated themselves. They
have been asking too much, and they
have only been asking, they have not
been giving anything, not even
gratefulness. In anger, in rage, in
revenge, the pendulum of the mind
moves to the other end- still, they do
not know with whom they are taking
revenge. They are killing themselves: