
(singke) #1



Dr RDr RDr RDr RDr Rahul Rahul Rahul Rahul Rahul R. Nair. Nair. Nair. Nair. Nair, , , , , CoimbatoreCoimbatoreCoimbatoreCoimbatoreCoimbatore

ntroduction: According to
Chandogya Upanishad (VI.V.I)
(a Vedic text), the solid food that we
eat will be divided into three;

  1. Densest part gets converted
    into stool.

  2. Intermediate dense part gets
    converted into flesh.

  3. Least dense part gets
    converted into mind.
    The water that we drink will be
    divided into three;

  4. Densest part gets converted
    into urine.

  5. Intermediate dense part gets
    converted into blood.

  6. Least dense part gets
    converted into Prana (i.e., life force).
    The oil that we consume will be
    divided into three

  7. Densest part gets converted
    into bones.

  8. Intermediate dense part gets
    converted into bone marrow.

  9. Least dense part gets
    converted into words.
    It is interpreted as follows;
    The least dense part of solid food
    goes upwards to form mind.
    The least dense part of water
    goes upwards to form prana.
    The least dense part of oil goes
    upwards to form words.
    From these facts, it is clear that
    ancient Indian seers were aware of
    the importance of drinking water in
    maintaining complete physical, social,
    metal and spiritual health of human


As explained above, the least
dense part of water goes upwards to
form Prana or the life force. Hence,
we must take utmost care about the
quality of water (H 2 0) that we drink.
The water forms the very basis for the
existence of all life forms on earth,
The natural responsibility of water is
to hydrate living organisms, both plants
as well as animals. Water brings
active natural hydrogen into the cells
and thus hydrates cellular structures
including DNA in the nucleus. In
general, we can say that water has
two jobs to do inside a human body

  1. Hydration: Donating electrons
    from hydrogen

  2. Communication: The structure
    of water plays an important role in
    communication between cells by
    transmitting definite frequencies from
    one cell to another.
    Nobel prize laureate Szent Gyrogyi
    stated once, “All of life depends on a
    small trickle of electrons from the sun’.
    Various experiments have proved that
    free electron flow is responsible for
    creating all forms of energy inside
    human body. The process of nutrition
    works under the principle of electron
    flow. When the pH of water is main-
    tained at 7.2 or less, it possesses
    maximum number of electrons to
    donate from active natural hydrogen
    (Cousens, 2005). Water is universal
    solvent as well as universal anti-oxidant

  3. Water brings active natural

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