
(singke) #1

Dasa chidresu kaletu marako
marana pradha tesham madhye
baliyastu tasya daye mritim vadeth.
Meaning that we have to
determine the evil planet in gochara or
the planet indicating balarista but not
able to inflict death during the period
indicated by the arista or the vishama
graha whose bhukti happens to be
experienced at the time of death
indicated in the chart. Considering the
wide choice open, it becomes much
more difficult to determine the maraka
graha. There are many more ways to
determine the period of death and the
death inflicting planet.
In this series I propose to deal with
views of the reputed ancient scholars
on the subject viz-Maharshi Parasara,
Mantreswar, Jaimuni maharshi, Vasista
Ganapathi Muni, Sukra Nadi,
Mahadeva, Satyacharya Kalidasa,
Dhruva Nadi, Ganesha samhita,
Poorva Parasara and Chomadri etc.
From above it becomes obvious that
an astrologer should first look into
balarista infantile death & then proceed
to know the division of longevity and
determine the period of death.
Balarista is divided into 3 parts
viz. Sadyo rista; Sowmy arista and
Yogarista. Sadyorista is immediate
death after birth or within 3 months
and in cases where the Moon is
aspected by the benefic life may
extend upto one year. Sowmy arista
is a state when balarista yogas are
strong and the strength of benefic
aspect is medium, the child may live
upto 4 years of age or death may take
place at the concluding portion of the
dasa at birth-dasa chidra kala.
Yogarista covers the period from 8 to
20 years of age.
Mano Buddhi Prasavancha Matru
Chintacha Chandrama.
Meaning that Moon is the
significator for mind, buddhi, prasava-
delivery and Matru-Mother. Birth at a

time when the Moon is afflicted causes
balarista or Matru nasa. It is therefore
obvious that Moon should be free from
affliction at birth. This statement leads
to know when and how the Moon is
afflicted. Following are the details for
affliction of Moon-
1- When Moon is posited in
Vrischika in debilitation.
2- When Moon is in conjunction
with Sun-asthangatha.
3- Moon when posited in dustanas
6, 8 or 12 bhavas from lagna.
4- Moon posited in the 1st quarter
(pada) of Aswani star.
5- Moon posited in the 1st pada
of Mrigasira.
6- Moon posited in the 4th pada
of Hasta.
7- Moon posited in the 3rd pada
of Jyesta.
8- Moon posited in the 3 and 4
padas of Moola.

  1. Moon posited in the 2nd pada
    of Dhanista.
    Maleficence of balarista is
    attributed to children born in the
    following constellations:-
    2 & 4 padas of Aswini, 2 of Bharani,
    3 of Krittika, 1,2,4 of Rohini, 1 of
    Mrigasir, a 1 of Pushya, 2 of Makha, 2
    of Uttara, 2 of Chitra, 4 of Visakha, 3
    of Anuradha, 3 of Jyesta, 2 & 3 of Moola,
    1 of Satabhisha & 4 of Uttarabhadra.
    As is common in every aspect of
    astrology there is difference of opinion
    in this aspect also. The second opinion
    is - that balarista is caused when the
    child is born in 1st of Aswani. 1^0 3
    parts of Pushyami, 1 of Moola and 4th
    of Revathi. In addition when the
    duration of the constellation Jyesta is
    divided into ten parts-birth in the 5th
    part inflicts death between age 4 to 8
    years. 12th of Moola among its 15 parts
    proves fatal within 7 months or
    maximum 9 years. 3rd part of Pushya
    indicates death within 15 days, Sani in
    the 4th part of Jyestha indicates
    immediate death.

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