
(singke) #1

Junction times of certain
constellations is dangerous. The first
ghati at the commencement of
Aswani, Makha and Moola and the last
ghaties of Revati, Aslesha and Jyesta
are said to be dangerous times.
Junction of lunar days of amavasya
and padyami, Panchami and Shasti,
poornima and padyami, are
dangerous. So are the lagna sandhi
times corresponding to gandantha
asterisms, diva ratri sandhies, twilight
time are also said to be dangerous.
Balarista is also caused:-
1- When there is papargals to lagna
& its lord, 8th bhava, its lord and Moon.

  1. When the dispositors of lagna
    and its lord or Moon or the Navamsa
    lord are asthngatha.
    3- When lagna is having Sani and
    Rahu in 2 and 12 respectively and at
    the same time Moon is afflicted by Sani
    by the 3rd or 10th aspect or aspected
    by Kuja by 4th or 8th aspect.
    4- When Sani and Rahu are in 2
    and 8 to lagna. Moon aspected by Sani
    or Kuja by their special aspects.
    5- Sani and Kuja are in 2 or 7 to
    lagna while Moon is aspected by them.
    6- Bhavas 6 and 12 to lagna are
    occupied by Sani and Kuja while Moon
    is aspected by them.
    7- When lagna and the 8th bhava
    are occupied by malefics, while Moon
    is weak and kendras to lagna are
    devoid of Guru.
    8- Kuja in lagna & Sani in 6, 7 or 8
    bhavas; Lagna vacant while Sani-Kuja
    are in 7 or Kuja with Rahu in 7; Kuja
    in lagna & Ravi in 8 or vice versa; Ravi
    in lagna & Sani in 8 while Moon is weak
    & Guru in bhavas other than kendras.
    9- Moon in 6 or 8 or 12, debilitated
    or occupying an inimical rasi aspected
    by malefics (here Sani Venus are to
    be treated as inimical to Moon)

  2. When Moon is aspected by Sani
    or Kuja or Ravi with Budha;
    11- Ravi with Moon in lagna while

Rahu is in 12. Ravi with Moon in
any bhava while Sani or Kuja aspect
Moon by special aspects; or Rahu in
12 to Ravi.
12- Lord of 8 conjunct/aspected by
malefic and 12th bhava to lagna is
aspected by malefic or with malefic.
13- Lord of 8 in dustana/inimical
house aspected by/conjunct papi;
14- Lord of 8 in 8 while weak Moon
is aspected by Sani and Kuja.
15- Lord of 1 or 8 weak while
kendras and konas are with malefics;
16- Venus in lagna or Guru in 8 or
both occupy these places or Guru in 8
to Venus provided lagna or 7th are not
involved; this leads to say that any
inimical planet in 8 to the occupant of
lagna might lead to this;
17- Ravi and Moon in 1st pada of
Mrigasira when Guru is weak;
18- Moon in Hasta aspected by Sani
or Kuja; are some of the important
balarista yogas (In the following articles
I will furnish more than a couple of
hundreds of balarista yogas)
Factors supporting balarista are:-
A- Lagna lord in 6 or 12th; B- Guru
or Guru with Moon in dustanas; C-
Kuja in 11 to Ravi: D- Ravi and Moon;
Kuja & Moon ; Budha and Moon; Guru
and Kuja, Guru and Budha; Guru and
Sukra; Sani and Ravi, Sani and Kuja;
Sani and Rahu alone in any rasi and
in opposition to the other or in
shatastaka i.e. 6/8 positions with the
other; E-Ravi in Tula, Kuja in Kanya,
Budha in Simha, Venus in Vrischika
help balarista. Following yogas cause
balarista bhanga Cancellation-
1- When Moon is in 3,2, and 4
padas of Mrigasira; Aradra; Punarvasu,
Aslesha Pubba, 3 and 4 padas of
Chitta, Swati and 1,2,3 padas of
Visakha, Poorvabhadra and Revati.
2- Moon when posited in Mithuna,
Karkataka, Tula, Meena- Uttarabhadra
in Meena rasi & Pushya in Karkata rasi
are a bit weak spots & the dosha might
happen occasionally. ()Page 31)
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