The 9th house in mundane astrology
specifically signifies the religious
disputes and the higher courts of the
The Jupiter is in the 6th house
Libra of court cases or disputes in
the foundation chart of India. The
Jupiter in the foundation chart of India
is giving aspect to the sign Aquarius
which is the rashi signifying religious
places and temples. In transit the
Mars and Ketu are moving into Makar
rashi the 9th house of the foundation
chart of the country. This is a
dangerous combination of religious
violence which might occur once the
judgment of the court will come on
Ayodhya Ram Temple Babri Masjid
demolition case. The transiting Saturn
from Sagittarius is giving its 3rd
aspect to the Aquarius sign. The
transiting Jupiter from Libra aspect
the Aquarius sign from its 5th aspect.
In the month of September the Sun
and Mercury will be in Leo giving the
7th aspect to the sign Aquarius which
signifies temple as per the classical
text of astrology. Thus all planetary
indications are showing a decisive
judgment in favour of Ayodhya Ram
Temple which though can ignite a
religious tensions across the country.
The court's judgement may not
completely satisfy the Hindu litigant's
which may create some issues that
can only be resolve in 2020. The
judgement of Supreme Court in this
case may be an improvised version
of the Allahabad High Court
judgement in 2010 which divided the
land in 3 parts between the litigants.
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
(RSS): 27-9-1925, 11:50 hours at
Nagpur, Maharashatra.
The RSS is the parent
organization of BJP (Bharatiya Janata
Party), VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad),
Bajrang Dal and many other right
Mar Mer
(^4) RASI
5 7
Asc VenSat
Lag Sun MoonMars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu
280 05 10^0 48 4^006601120 38 20^0 22 20^0 24 19^0 13 9^059
Asc SatKetu 3
9 Jup
wing Hindu bodies in the country. The
dashas and transit operating in the
horoscope of RSS also shows that
the issue of Ayodhya Ram Mandir
case is likely to completely resolve
by early 2020 when the Saturn and
Jupiter will be in the Makar Rashi
over the 9th lord Moon in the chart
of RSS and over the 9th house of
the foundation chart of India.
The horoscope of RSS is of
Scorpio lagna with lagna and 6th lord
Mars in the 11th house along with 11th
and 8th lord Mercury showing
controversies surrounding the role of
this organization. The RSS claims to
be a social organization but everyone
knows how deeply it influence the
Indian politics by its control over the
Hindu right wing party BJP who is at
present dominating the country's
political environment. The conjunction
of lagna and 6th lord Mars with the
10th lord Sun shows the aggressive
activities of RSS which it claim to be
doing to protect the Indian culture and
to form the Hindu Rashtra (Hindu
Nation). The 9th lord Moon in Rahu
-Ketu axis, the 9th house under the
malefic aspect of Saturn from the 12th
house of losses and the aspect of
Saturn over the Jupiter the significant
of Dharma or religion shows why RSS
has been so controversial since its
birth and being labelled as a communal
organization. In Navamsha of RSS
horoscope the lagna is in Rahu-Ketu
axis with Saturn placed in there amply
explains the disputes RSS got involve
into over the years. Also notice the
lord of Navamsha lagna falling in the