lord- 1st, Rahu from Moon- 10th, Rahu
from Sun- 1st,(quite high, 5 in 25),7th.
(E) Mars and Saturn in mutual
aspects- conjunction of Mars and
Saturn is prominent. It has taken place
in 4 cases out of 25 Nos.
(F) Jupiter and Venus in mutual
aspects- No conjunction or opposition
noticed in 25 charts
(G) Conjunctions of Planets.
(i) Prominent conjunctions of two
planets- Sun Rahu, Sun Ketu, Mars
Jupiter, Mars Rahu, Mars Saturn,
Mercury Saturn, Mercury Jupiter,
Mercury Ketu, ii) Prominent
conjunction of three planets noticed
is of Sun-Mercury-Saturn.
Navamsa chart:- As stated above
14 Nos. of navamsa charts are
available in which rasi positions for
ascendant, asc. lord, Moon, Sun & 10th
lord of rasi charts & bhava positions
of asc. lord, Moon, Sun & 10th lord of
rasi charts have been only investigated
base upon which prominent positions
noticed are being given below.
Rasi Position-Asc. lord-Virgo,
Sagittarius, Leo, Moon-Leo, Libra, Sun-
Taurus, 10th Lord-Scorpio, Sagittarius
Total Occupation-Virgo, Sagittarius, Leo
Bhava positions:- Asc. Lord- 6th,
9th, Moon- 6th, 10th, Sun- 11th, 10th
Lord- 9th (quite high, 4 in 14)
Total occupation- 9th and 6th.
Asterism Occupations:- Considering
constellations occupied by ascendant,
ascendant lord, Moon, Sun and 10th
lord in 14 charts available in details,
the following comments can be made
for prominent asterism positions.
Ascendant- Sun and Moon stars.
Ascendant Lord-Mars & Saturn stars.
Moon- Mars and Saturn stars.
Sun- Moon, Venus and Ketu stars.
10th lord- Rahu stars.
Total occupation- Mars, Moon and
Venus stars.
Table for details of chart is given
at the end of part-c of the article.
C) Comments on some
statements made is part-A based upon
outcome of statistical study:-
Primarily Mars, Mercury and Saturn
have been stated as important for
architects coupled with strength of
Venus & Neptune which are responsible
for imagination, new ideas, novelty in
work, grace in construction, art and
beauty in general. It is thus seen that
a successful architect can be produced
if planets for engineering or technology
in general e.g. Mars, Mercury and
Saturn, compled with those for art,
beauty and imagination e.g. Venus and
Neptune are prominent in the chart. I
will like to add strong position of Moon
also to the list which is equally helpful
for art, beauty and ideas. In actual
analysis considering rasi positions, the
Moon has been found prominent in
martian signs and in Saturnine sign
Capricorn; Mars is prominent in two
signs of Jupiter and in Taurus of Venus;
Mercury is prominent in his exaltation
sign Virgo, in friendly signs Libra of
Venus and in two signs of Saturn;
Venus is found prominent in own signs
Libra and Taurus, friendly signs
Capricorn and also in Cancer owned
by Moon; Saturn is found prominent in
own signs, in friendly sign Taurus and
also in Aries of Mars which is a sign of
debility for him; ascendant lord is
prominent is two signs of Mars, Taurus
of Venus and Aquarius of Saturn; 10th
Lord is found very prominent in
Venusian sign Libra, 8 times in 25
charts which is a noteworthy point, in
Moon's sign Cancer and in Saturn's
sign Capricorn; total occupation is
found higher in Mercury's sign Virgo,
Venusian sign Libra and Saturnine sign
Capricorn. Considering Bhava
positions, Moon is found prominent in
4-10 axis, which is a noteworthy point,
and in 11th and 12th; common houses
of prominence for Mars, Mercury and
Saturn are found as 9th and 6th; Venus
is found very important in 8th, 6 times
in 25 nos, and also prominent in 2nd,