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And not in the name of any section exceptAnd not in the name of any section exceptAnd not in the name of any section exceptAnd not in the name of any section exceptAnd not in the name of any section except PLANETS AND FORECASTPLANETS AND FORECASTPLANETS AND FORECASTPLANETS AND FORECASTPLANETS AND FORECAST.

7th, 10th & 11th houses; asc. lord and
10th lord both are found prominent in
2nd house. Considering the above list
of planets, conjunctions of Mars-Saturn
and Mercury-Saturn are found quite
helpful for the line under consideration.
Conjunction of Saturn with ascendant
lord has been also found very useful,
5 times in 25 nos. Jupiter-Rahu are
not in the above list. Jupiter is a giant
benefic and a planet helpful for general
prosperity. Jupiter in opposition to Moon
has been found very useful and promi-
nent for architects, the yoga occurring
in 6 charts in 25 nos. Rahu occupying
Jupiterian sign Sagittarius & Sun-Rahu
conjunction have been also found
prominent in the charts of architects,
each yoga occurring 5 times in 25 charts
In Navamsa charts, 10th lord of
rasi chart occupying 9th house in
navamsa has been found prominent,
4 times in 14 cases. Considering total
occupations also, 9th house of rasi as
well as of Navamsa charts is found
prominent. Considering constellational
occupations, asterisms of Moon and
Venus, which are planets of art, beauty
and imagination, are found prominent
in addition to the stars of Mars.
Connection of Mars, Mercury and

Venus with 10th house and especially
Saturn in 10th house has been stated
to make architects. Considering
analysis, as stated above, 9th house
of rasi and amsa charts both has been
found of importance for occupation of
planets rather from 10th house. Saturn
is found in 9th 5 times against 3 times
in 10th in 25 charts.
Venus has been praised in airy
and earthy signs and in 1/3/5/9/10/11th
houses. Considering analysis Venus
has been found prominent in own signs
Taurus and Libra (especially in Libra)
and in Cancer and Capricorn. Here two
signs are earthy, one airy and one
watery sign. Houses of prominence for
Venus are found as 8th (very high, 6
times in 25), 7th, 10th, 2nd and 11th
ones. Here occupation of Venus of 2nd,
7th, 10th and 11th is understandable
for architects but 8th house
prominence is noteworthy.
Conjunctions or benefic aspects
of Venus with Moon, Mars and Jupiter
are useful. It is observed in 25 charts
that Moon-Venus are conjoined 3, Mars
Venus 3, Jupiter-Venus no conjunction
or opposition. Venus has been
observed to occupy 10th from Moon in
4 cases out of 25. which is double.
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